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Tag: BioJet Corporation

BioJet Corporation and Great Plains Oil & Exploration have announced a Teaming Agreement for Aviation Bio Fuels

CINCINNATI, Ohio -- BioJet Corporation (www.biojetcorp.com) and Great Plains Oil & Exploration (www.camelinacompany.com) announced today that they have executed a Teaming Agreement for the...

BioJet Corp Selected as First Company for Principles of Sustainability

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. -- BioJet Corporation (www.biojetcorp.com) announced this week that it has agreed with the Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne (EPFL) to serve...

Biofuels agreement announced between BioJet Corp and E85 LLC

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. -- BioJet Corporation (formerly JatrophaBioJet) and E85 LLC jointly announced today that they have executed a Bio-SPK forward contract for the...