Tags Bogota

Tag: Bogota

Securoseal tamper evident luggage seal to be offered to departing passengers at departure terminals of El Dorado Airport

BOGOTA, Colombia /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: The Securoseal tamper evident luggage seal shall be offered to departing passengers in both the International and Domestic departure terminals of El Dorado Airport, Bogota, Colombia. Securoseal is a leading developer of tamper evident technologies for the transport and logistics industries.

Series of digital initiatives help Juan Manuel Santos claim leadership in the 2010 Colombian Presidential Elections

BOGOTA, Colombia -- Nearly half a million Colombians logged on to SantosPresidente.com between June 1st and June 20th, the second round Presidential elections to follow the Santos campaign and the Candidate's initiatives, turning the tide in this historic political victory. In under 72 hours, 1,076 individual Web pages, comprising the first-ever Virtual Headquarters used for Presidential Elections in Latin America, had been launched offering multiple ways to engage, support and follow the candidate.

Talented Colombian Citizens Help Presidential Candidate Juan Manuel Santos Grow Extremely Quickly in Social Networks

BOGOTA, Colombia -- In only two weeks, the Santos Presidential campaign has managed to slingshot the candidate across social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, hi5, Delicious and WordPress. Santos' Facebook fans were at 70,409 before the Web 2.0 campaign began, and now number 148,750 within 15 days.

Colombia Presidential Elections 2010: Twitter Goes Down and Hall of Shame Goes Up

BOGOTA, Colombia -- The Web 2.0 Victory Team set up by presidential candidate Juan Manuel Santos, has recently been attacked through various online media. These attacks have ranged from fake profiles or groups on Twitter and Facebook, to misleading or abusive comments on blogs. In response, the Web 2.0 Victory Team, lead by Santiago Valencia, has created the 'Wall of Shame.'

Juan Manuel Santos is First Politician in South America to Launch Campaign Through the Internet

BOGOTA, Colombia -- Political campaigns in Latin-America have always been marked by traditionalism, manifestations, crowded plazas and message distribution through traditional media such as television, billboards, written press and radio. Never before has voter outreach been conducted through the Internet and other new media technologies.