Tag: Createspace Publishing

New Book – Wealth and Business Planning Strategies: The Ultimate Guide for Wealth Management, Privacy and Prosperity for Business Owners

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Dr. Nevine Carmelle, a celebrated professional who's dedicated to the field of finance, recently authored, "Wealth and Business Planning Strategies: The Ultimate Guide for Wealth Management, Privacy & Prosperity for Business Owners" (ISBN: 978-0692562017). Available in paperback and Kindle edition, the book quickly became a bestseller on Amazon.

New Book, ‘INSIDE HOLLYWOOD’ is a Compelling Literary Collection Unraveling Mysteries of Love and Life

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- From a creative and highly imaginative author and multimedia artist, Marsha Ross, comes an eloquent, erotic and extremely engrossing poetic anthology - "INSIDE HOLLYWOOD" (ISBN: 978-1544031002). This collection of thoughts, poetry, lyrics, art and erotica, was inspired by her experiences in Hollywood, and unveils the true quintessence of passion, romance and love.

New Book ‘Here I Am Lord’ to Draw Readers Closer to The Lord

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Author Alan T Black announces the launch of his new book, "Here I am Lord" (ISBN: 978-1982057282). The book primarily answers the call of the Lord and helps readers get closer to the Lord. The book comprises 35 different essays and it illustrates some of the best tools which can be used to help you come closer to the Lord. The Kindle Edition will be available for free on the Kindle store Feb. 12 - 16, 2018.
Book - Make Your Mark

The Oracle Group announces ‘MAKE YOUR MARK: Personal Branding Through On-Purpose Living’ by Courtney R. Rhodes

eNewsChannels NEWS: (NEW YORK, N.Y.) -- The Oracle Group International is thrilled to announce the publication of "MAKE YOUR MARK: Personal Branding Through 'On-Purpose' Living" (paperback; on sale March 14, 2017; $20; ISBN: 978-0692833919) by award-winning, brand strategist, entrepreneur and author Courtney R. Rhodes.