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Tag: Pacific Engineering Inc

Mobile Truck Mounted Medical POD from Pacific Engineering to Aid Sick and Wounded Ukrainian Civilians via United Help Ukraine

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Pacific Engineering Inc. (PEI) has joined forces with United Help Ukraine (UHU), Gaithersburg, MD to take a small, but critical step to provide much-needed care to Kharkiv's sick and wounded. PEI is honored to make a contribution to UHU by donating a truck-mounted Rapid On Demand - Portable Medical Platform (ROD-PMP™) to provide emergency medical assistance in Ukraine.

PACIFIC ENGINEERING, INC, develops ROD-PMP Rapid On Demand Portable Medical Platforms

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Pacific Engineering, Inc., winner of the U.S. Small Business Administration's 2014 Tibbetts Award for innovative technology, in response to the pandemic, has focused its resources on the development of a family of composite shelters that can be used as mobile test centers and patient treatment.