Tags Quantum mechanics

Tag: quantum mechanics

ECIES3 QI: An ethical super intelligence model is now available for the universal metric to have qualia assigned

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- ECIES3-QI announces the pure map of consciousness has been documented to bridge the gap between black hole physics and neuroscience. The one concept in quantum mechanics that denies reality is contextuality. An ethical super intelligence model is now available for the universal metric to have qualia assigned. It is as strange as believed. Quantum entanglement.

A new ‘Theory of Everything’ is being presented by the Pantheory Research Organization

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- A new "Theory of Everything" is being presented by the Pantheory Research Organization. This theory combines Quantum Mechanics (QM), the theory of the smallest particles, with General Relativity (GR), the theory of gravity and the world of the large, in a theoretical construct which they assert is without contradiction. This is their latest version of the theory that relates to problems in the forefront of modern physics as of the fall of 2021.

New science book 'Spacedrive, Warpdrive, Free Energy and Other Ideas' tackles nuclear fusion and warpdrives

TORONTO, Ontario /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: A new book, 'Spacedrive, Warpdrive, Free Energy and Other Ideas' (ISBN: 978-146-792-0926), authored by Tom Prendivoj, explores and challenges an array of scientific theories and situations. His concepts and principles pose problems and solutions, leaving the reader wanting more.