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Tag: reverse loan origination

FINTECH: OptifiNow Leverages ReverseVision API to Streamline Reverse Loan Origination at Open Mortgage

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- ReverseVision, the leading provider of Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) and private reverse mortgage sales and origination technology, today announced their recently released Loan Import API has been leveraged by OptifiNow for mutual lender client Open Mortgage.

RV Exchange Credit Report Integration with MeridianLink announced by ReverseVision

NEWS: ReverseVision, Inc. has announced their newest credit report partnership with MeridianLink, a leading web-based platform for ordering and delivery of credit reports. This integration within RV Exchange (RVX), ReverseVision's flagship reverse loan origination system (RLOS) platform, increases RVX users' choice of automated credit report services.