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Tag: Shapiro Goldman Babboni and Walsh

Attorney Bernard F. Walsh was keynote speaker at Cooley Law School Outreach Event

NEWS: (ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.) Attorney Bernard Walsh of the Florida personal injury law firm Shapiro Goldman Babboni and Walsh, gave opening remarks and lectured to students and guests at the Florida Justice Association's student outreach event, held at Cooley Law School.

Southern Trial Lawyers Assoc. Publish Article by Attorneys Bernard Walsh and Elisabeth DeWitt in JUSTLAW

NEWS: (BRADENTON, Fla.) An article entitled 'Modern Spinal Surgery Options' by Injury Attorney Bernard F. Walsh, managing partner of Shapiro Goldman Babboni and Walsh, and Attorney Elisabeth Dewitt formerly of the Bradenton Florida office of Shapiro Goldman Babboni and Walsh, has been published by the Southern Trial Lawyers Association in JUSTLAW.

Michele Stephan and Members of Shapiro Goldman Babboni & Walsh Attend Selby Public Library Fundraiser

NEWS: (SARASOTA, Fla.) Personal Injury Attorney and Board Member of the Friends of the Public Library Michele Stephan, along with members of the Sarasota and Bradenton offices of Shapiro Goldman Babboni and Walsh attended the January 2016 fundraiser event for Selby Public Library in downtown Sarasota.

Attorney M. David Shapiro recognized for His Ongoing Support of Children First

NEWS: Attorney David Shapiro was honored for his five years on the Board of Children First. He has held multiple positions throughout the years including, Treasurer and Vice President. hildren First, an early education charitable organization serving the most vulnerable children in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, was noted a by the National Head Start Association as a "Program of Excellence" that ranks in the top one percent of all Head Start programs nationwide.

Florida Attorney David L. Goldman Participates in holiday benefit for terminally ill children

NEWS: Attorney David L. Goldman of the law firm Shapiro, Goldman, Babboni and Walsh attended the 'Flight to the North Pole' event at the Sarasota Bradenton International Airport on Dec. 11, 2015. Organized by the Manatee County Sheriffs Office, the annual event is a benefit held for terminally ill children and their families.

Wall Street Journal Selects M. David Shapiro as a Member of The ‘Best Lawyers in Florida’

NEWS: Attorney M. David Shapiro of the Sarasota-based personal injury law firm Shapiro Goldman Babboni and Walsh has been published in the September 2015 Wall Street Journal's Best Lawyers In Florida.

Opinion: Attorney Michael Babboni Advises VW TDI Owners to Seek Legal Counsel on Topic of Poor Resale Values

NEWS: In the wake of Volkswagen's admission of its emissions cheating device scandal, Attorney Michael Babboni, of Shapiro Goldman Babboni and Walsh, urges owners of affected VW vehicles to consult with an attorney.

Personal Injury Attorney Bernard Walsh Comments On VW Emissions Cheating Scandal

NEWS: Florida Attorney Bernard F. Walsh of the Bradenton personal injury law firm Shapiro Goldman Babboni and Walsh weighs in on the VW emissions cheating scandal.

Accident Attorney Bernard Walsh Remarks on Automakers Moving to Make Automatic Braking Standard

NEWS: Florida accident attorney Bernard Walsh cautions major automakers to include commercial trucks with the decision to make automatic emergency braking systems standard on all new passenger vehicles.
Attorney Walsh

Bernard F. Walsh, of lawfirm Shapiro Goldman Babboni and Walsh, recognized as member of Florida Legal Elite 2015

NEWS: Bernard Walsh, of Shapiro Goldman Babboni and Walsh, selected as a member of 'Florida Legal Elite 2015' by Florida Trend magazine. Attorneys who are included in this group were chosen by a lengthy and exhaustive process that begins with peer selection.