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Tag: Shine Brighter Series

Adam Roth, CEO of StreamLink Software presents 'Maximizing Board Engagement and Effectiveness' as part of Shine Brighter Series

DALLAS, Texas /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: Orange Leap announced today that Adam Roth, CEO of StreamLink Software, will be presenting 'Maximizing Board Engagement and Effectiveness' on July 25, 2013 as part of its Shine Brighter Series of webcasts for non-profits.

Orange Leap monthly Shine Brighter Series of webcasts for nonprofits continues with 'Twitter for Nonprofits' featuring marketing expert Dawn Westerberg

DALLAS, Texas /eNewsChannels/ -- Orange Leap's monthly Shine Brighter Series of webcasts for nonprofits continues on Thursday, December 6, 2012, 2 p.m. EST, with 'Twitter for Nonprofits' presented by Dawn Westerberg, president of marketing consulting firm Dawn Westerberg Consulting LLC.

Orange Leap Shine Brighter Series of Webcasts for Nonprofits Launches with Facebook Marketing Strategies from Marketing Twins

DALLAS, Texas /eNewsChannels/ -- Orange Leap has launched a new monthly series of webcasts for nonprofit organizations called the Shine Brighter Series. The first webinar is '5 Ways Nonprofits Can Get More Likes on Their Facebook Page' presented by Randy Vaughn of Fort Worth-based Marketing Twins.