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Tag: Trustmark National Bank

CONIX Systems' Dupe Detective goes into production at Trustmark National Bank

MANCHESTER, Vt. /eNewsChannels/ -- CONIX Systems, Inc. (CONIX), a leading international provider of payment processing solutions to the financial services industry, and Trustmark National Bank (NASDAQ:TRMK) have completed the bank's implementation of Dupe Detective(TM), the payments industry's leading Day 1, multi-channel duplicate payment product.

CONIX Systems Inc. Dupe Detective selected by Trustmark National Bank

MANCHESTER, Vt. /eNewsChannels/ -- CONIX Systems, Inc., a leading international provider of payment processing solutions to the financial services industry, has signed Trustmark National Bank for Dupe Detective, the payments industry's leading Day 1, multi-channel duplicate payment product. Dupe Detective enables institutions and processors to resolve duplicate payments prior to posting.