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Tag: Wilmington

Urban Fiction Author's Underground Book 'Family Tiez' Goes Widescreen in Kindle and iBooks Format

WILMINGTON, Del. /eNewsChannels/ -- On December 16, 2008, The News Journal, Wilmington, Delaware's largest local newspaper, ran a cover story with headline: Urban fiction author pleads guilty to drug trafficking: 10 counts could get the Wilmington man life in prison. This story was about Mustafaa As-Salafi, the author of 'Family Tiez' (ISBN: 978-0976224310 paperback; Level V Publishing), an underground, nationwide, bestselling novel that chronicles the story of a large-scale, illegal drug distribution enterprise in the Tri-State area.

*/corrected/* New start-up, discount online retail e-commerce venture launched by Buyables, LLC

WILMINGTON, Del. /eNewsChannels/ -- Buyables is a brand new U.S. start-up, e-commerce venture and its research and development team needs savvy shoppers to test out its new online shopping site. The team at Buyables, LLC is currently working to provide a unique and much improved online shopping experience.