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Tag: WinX HD Video Converter

Digiarty Software WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe Upgraded for Faster 4K Conversion

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Digiarty Software ushers in a new 4K conversion era by having triumphantly reforged WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe. The new version V5.11.0 built on Nov.13 turns into a speedier and steadier QHD and UHD video converter blended in with hardware-assisted HEVC encoding, 2K/4K upscaling and downscaling, with the entire transcoding core being revamped.

New WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe 4.0 announced by Digiarty Software

NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: Digiarty Software today announced today the debut of WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe 4.0, having a more intuitive GUI and new video editing features at a faster speed. In response to the movie watching demands during the summer holiday, the dyed-in-the-wool new version is being given away through July 25, 2013.

Halloween app giveaway with DVD video converter for iOS and Android announced by Digiarty Software

NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. /eNewsChannels/ -- With the Halloweenish atmosphere making an inroad into the end of October, Digiarty Software recruits participants to get valuable freebies for this annual holiday. Two free Halloween gifts, the New iPad Ripper and WinX HD Video Converter Halloween edition, are the assistants to play DVD and HD videos on the new iPad 4/3, iPad Mini, iPhone 5, Surface Tab, Galaxy S III and any other new Apple or Android gadgets.