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Tag: women in sports

46th Annual Colgate Women’s Games Kick-Off Indoor Track Season as Thousands of Athletes of All Ages Continue Founder Fred Thompson’s Legacy

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Dec. 14-16, 2019 -- This weekend's opening preliminary meet of the Colgate Women's Games was the first event since the passing of its founder, Fred Thompson. Thompson's contribution to the sport extended well beyond mentoring and coaching dozens of Olympians and world-class athletes.

45th Anniversary Colgate Women’s Games: John Alston and Daryl Murphy Honored as Coach of the Year

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- From an initial field of thousands of girls and young women from all over the East Coast, some 226 top point-scorers in divisions from elementary school-through-college-and-beyond, have earned their way to the finals of the 45th Anniversary Colgate Women's Games (Jan. 20, 2019 - Pratt Institute). Persevering through four preliminary meets and a semi-final, athletes in every age division have emerged as some of the country's finest athletic talent, with many scoring their personal best of this indoor season at the nation's largest track and field series for women.

East Coast Track Stars Celebrate Christmas 2018 Weekend with Outstanding Performances at 45th Anniversary Colgate Women’s Games

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Rising young stars and returning champions from all over the East Coast shared the spotlight at the second preliminary of the 2018 Colgate Women's Games (Dec. 21-23), the nation's largest amateur track and field series for women. Thousands of girls and women from first grade through college and beyond, many traveling from as far as New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Virginia and Georgia chose to celebrate Christmas weekend on the track at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. (VIDEO)

Colgate Women’s Games: Youngest Stars Shine Brightest at The Nation’s Largest Women’s Track and Field Series

BROOKLYN, N.Y. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: If you missed who was likely the nation's fastest eight year-old this time last year, no worries, she's just broken her own record on her ninth birthday. With four decades of top talent in the Colgate Women's Games track and field series to beat, Avery Lewis of Chester, Pa. is arguably the fastest third grader in the United States.
Olympic skier Suzy “Chapstick” Chaffee, who led the 1977 Title IX March in DC at the request of the PE Teachers of America

Title IX Key to Sustainability and Longevity of Snow Sports and Coastal Cities

OPINION: Leading the March down Washington’s Pennsylvania Ave in 1977, for TITLE IX’s “Equal Opportunity for Women in School Sports and Education,” at the...