WAREHAM, Mass. — Omni Publishing Co. today announced a June 16, 2008, release date of its latest DVD, “A Parent’s Guide to Social Networking Sites,” featuring national expert Sgt. Corey F. MacDonald, Esq. This unique DVD advises parents on the dangers that lurk on social networking sites, and explains how parents can help their children have a safe experience while on any of the best known social networking sites, such as Facebook, MySpace, Gizmo, HI5, YouTube and others.

The popularity and growth of social networking sites over the last several years has been phenomenal. Experts claim that these sites now attract more than 80 percent of all middle school and high school students. Sgt. MacDonald, who is featured on the DVD, is a nationally recognized expert on social networking sites, and has toured the country to speak to school and law enforcement groups about student use of social networking sites. He has developed a series of guidelines that every parent should know when talking to their kids about online social networking sites.

“A Parent’s Guide to Social Networking Sites” provides tips, guidelines and best practices for parents to use to keep kids safe while socializing online. Key highlights from this DVD include:

* What are social networking sites, and why parents need to know about them.
* How to sign up and navigate on the leading sites.
* How to find your child’s profile and access their web page.
* How to track your child’s friends, conversations, and group memberships.
* How to help your child maintain privacy.
* How to delete sites, pictures, blogs and friends.
* How to contact the leading sites when problems arise.
* What type of help is available from your child’s school and from law enforcement.

About Sgt. Corey MacDonald, Esq.

Sgt. McDonald is the Prosecutor for the Portsmouth, NH, Police Dept. and a former school resource officer who spent a year on MySpace.com. He is recognized as the most knowledgeable law enforcement expert in the country on MySpace.com and other social networking sites. He is featured in the following DVDs, published by Omni Publishing Co.: A Parent’s Guide to MySpace.com; A Guide to MySpace.com for School Administrators; A Guide for Police Officers to MySpace.com; Advanced MySpace.com Investigations; Cyber-Bullying – Prevention, Assessment and Response; A Police Officer’s Guide to Symptoms of Drug Impairment; Education Based Drug Enforcement; A Guide to Social Networking Sites for School Administrators; and A Parent’s Guide to Social Networking Sites.

Sgt. MacDonald, Esq., just completed study at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, and recently spoke before the National Association of Jesuit High School Principals.

Omni Publishing Company
Founded in 1997, Omni Publishing Company is a leader in Multimedia Publications for School Principals and Administrators, and Law Enforcement, and is a sponsor of school safety seminars nationwide. Information: http://www.omni-pub.com.

Retail Information for the DVD A Parent’s Guide to Social Networking Sites:
Release Date: June 16, 2008
Price: $24.95
Running Time: 55 minutes
Available online at: www.omni-pub.com

[tags]A Parents Guide to Social Networking Sites, Sgt Corey F MacDonald Esq, Omni Publishing Company[/tags]