Young, Former Ambassador to the United Nations and Former Two-Term Mayor of Atlanta, Brings Long History of Political Leadership and Activism to Non-Partisan Penny PAC

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Andrew Young, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and civil rights leader, has joined the advisory board of Penny PAC. Penny PAC is a non-partisan political action committee that focuses on education, energy, economic development, health care and homeland security, issues that consistently rank among the top concerns for Americans on public opinion polls. As a member of the Penny PAC advisory board, Ambassador Young will advise the non-partisan PAC on key issues, strategies, and candidates to support.

“I am pleased to offer strategic counsel to Penny PAC. In particular, I am looking forward to exploring alternative methods to generate greater interest and involvement in the political process, especially among young people,” said Ambassador Young. Young brings decades of political, social, and business expertise to Penny PAC, which has a goal to get more people to interact with politics. His worldwide stature and level of experience will have a significant impact on Penny PAC according to Brian E. Taylor, Founder and CEO of Penny PAC.

“I am very excited about Ambassador Young joining the Penny PAC family. Having someone with his depth, experience in interactive politics, knowledge of the needs of the community, and his national influence is a true blessing. I am honored by his acceptance,” said Taylor.

Ambassador Young’s Penny PAC appointment will expire in 2010. He is currently the chairman and co-founder of Goodworks International, LLC, a global consulting firm based in Atlanta. In addition to being former Mayor of Atlanta and a former Georgia Congressmen, Young currently serves on the boards of Fortune 500 companies, is active in several charitable activities, is the recipient of numerous awards and honors, and has received over 60 honorary degrees from some of the most prestigious universities in the world.

About Penny PAC
Penny PAC is the non-partisan political action committee where people can learn about and support forward-thinking candidates, without regard for party affiliation, who have innovative approaches for addressing the issues most important to Americans. Penny PAC contributes to candidates whose ideas on education, energy, health care, homeland security and economic development are fresh and innovative.

For more information on Penny PAC or to make a contribution, visit the web site at

[tags]Penny PAC, political action committee, Ambassador Andrew Young[/tags]