African Caribbean Chamber of Commerce

(DETROIT, Mich.) — NEWS: As a civic organization committed to racial and economic justice, the sustained outpouring of grief, anger and civil unrest sweeping our country and the globe serve as a stark reminder of not only America’s promises and ideals, but also its legacy injustices and shortcomings. Championing equality, diversity and inclusion, the African Caribbean Chamber of Commerce (ACCC) joins the global chorus of those sickened and appalled by the inhumanity we have witnessed in the recent and unjustified deaths of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and so many of other persons of color.

Glaring reminders of both the shortcomings and progress needed to have a truly equal and just society, as a nation we must pause and use this painful time as the turning point to changing the shameful inequities and inequalities of how our brothers and sisters of color are treated.

Without question, these are extraordinarily difficult and challenging times. And there is no simple overnight solution. Mindful of the pulse of our nation today, the priority issue of police reform and accountability is a nonnegotiable first start. As we pursue measures to reform policing in our urban communities, we call upon all community leaders, elected officials, and social institutions to join us in setting transformative policies that promote racial reconciliation and equal justice.

In addition, the importance of conversations on self-empowerment and financial literacy within our urban communities is a vital parallel requisite as we need more dedicated programs, particularly for young adults, that arm our urban citizenry with the tools to make better and wiser financial decisions. To that end, ACCC has developed and is launching in Fall 2020 a comprehensive personal finance series. Taught by highly skilled professional educators, the target beneficiaries will include metro-Detroit ACCC members, high school seniors and college students.

ACCC staunchly supports the constitutional right of citizens to engage in nonviolent protest. Equally, we condemn all use of excessive force by law enforcement to dispel demonstrators or retaliate against protestors. This a time to listen to the voices of our community and craft actionable plans that will enable us all to work together toward a better future. Our universal cries for justice have gone unheard long enough. Collectively, and with one voice, we say, enough is enough.

About the African Caribbean Chamber of Commerce

A member advocacy forum, the African Caribbean Chamber of Commerce (ACCC) serves as a regional force and voice to advance economic empowerment, generate synergies and foster collaboration among African Caribbean businesses, while promoting the rich diversity, cultural heritage and business activities of its members. Learn more:

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