Personal Injury and Civil Trial Lawyer David L. Goldman of the Sarasota Florida Based Firm Shapiro Goldman Babboni & Walsh, cites an article in the NY Times warning consumers of large coverage gaps even in premium insurance plans.

eNewsChannels NEWS: SARASOTA, Fla. — Personal Injury and Civil Trial Lawyer David L. Goldman of the Sarasota Florida Based Firm Shapiro Goldman Babboni & Walsh, cites an article in the NY Times warning consumers of large coverage gaps even in premium insurance plans.

Goldman, an experienced injury attorney stated, “The issue of whether one’s medical bills were paid by their insurance company comes up more often than I can count. In more than a quarter century of practicing personal injury law in the State of Florida, I have seen people who have excellent insurance mistakenly believe that their insurance company has paid their bill in full. Even people who have ‘full coverage’ with excellent insurance policies do not realize that their insurance companies leave them with outstanding balances that are well in excess of their deductible or co-pay amounts.

Attorney David L. Goldman
“For instance in auto accident cases, the no-fault insurance company will often pay only 80 percent of their bills up to $10,000, leaving a balance of 20 percent plus any amount of their bills above $10,000. Often times health insurance companies, will not cover a particular doctor or treatment, or will deny payment due to alleged errors in how the medical provider submitted their bill, leaving the poor insured owing the money. Often times, the attorney can resolve these issues, but too often they cannot.”

Mr. Goldman continued to point out the potential for costly coverage short-falls by stating, “This article discusses how insurance companies will pay a hospital bill but may not pay the other bills associated with a hospital visit, which can include the emergency room doctors’ bill, the radiology bill, and the ambulance bill. Sometimes these other providers do not even bother to submit their bill to your insurance company and simply send the patient the bill.

“This article discusses one such instance that occurred right here in Florida. So it is best to make sure to realize that there may be many other bills associated with a hospital visit other than the hospital bill and to realize that even the best insurance companies often leave patients owing a lot more than just their deductible and co-pay.”

About Attorney David L. Goldman:

Mr. Goldman is a member of the American Association of Justice, The Association of Trial Lawyers of America, and the Southern Trial Lawyers Association. Mr. Goldman is an Eagle Member of the Florida Justice Association and The Academy of Florida Trial Lawyers, and received the prestigious Legislative Leadership Award by that organization in 1997.

David Goldman has a long-standing commitment to the community and has served as a board member of many civic organizations. He has worked extensively with the Gulf Coast Latin Chamber of Commerce, the Sarasota African-American Chamber of Commerce, Second Chance Last Opportunity and the Westcoast Center for Human Development. He has also served on the Board of Directors of the Sarasota-Manatee Jewish Community Center and has been a director and member of the Endowment Fund of his local synagogue.

Shapiro Goldman Babboni & Walsh
308 Cocoanut Ave., Sarasota, FL, 34236

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