eNewsChannels: LED lighting

TIPP CITY, Ohio /eNewsChannels/ — NEWS: Through its partnership with energy services firm Energy Optimizers, USA, Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools has become the first school district in Ohio to retrofit all interior and exterior lighting to LED.

LED lighting is valued for its efficiency and long life, which reduces both utility and maintenance costs. The new LED components will provide an average 60 percent reduction in energy use compared with the systems being replaced, which include fluorescent, halogen, incandescent and metal halide lighting systems. The energy savings will be complemented by a significant reduction in maintenance costs, noted Doug Trimbach, vice president of lighting services for Energy Optimizers, USA.

“The interior LED lighting systems have a performance life twice that of the fluorescent systems they are replacing, and the exterior LED components have a performance life four times that of the units they are replacing,” said Trimbach. “That translates into fewer replacement parts being purchased, and it also means the maintenance staff can concentrate on other areas of operation.”

Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools made the transition to an all-LED school as part of a $1.8 million energy conservation project that is expected to generate at least $222,382 in savings annually. The project also includes replacing some aging boilers and chillers with more energy efficient equipment, adding energy- saving features to the kitchens, and enhancing the buildings’ temperature controls. The district expects to see a payback on these improvements in less than 10 years.

“We launched this project because we are committed to making the best, most cost-effective use of tax dollars possible,” said Superintendent Dr. Keith St. Pierre. “Moving to all-LED lighting made sense. We wanted to take a proactive approach to energy savings and put in place the latest technology, rather than continue to rely on lighting systems that are-or will soon be-obsolete.”

Funding for the project is provided through the Ohio School Facilities Commission’s House Bill 264 (HB264) program, enabling the district to make these cost-cutting improvements at no expense to taxpayers. Under the HB 264 program, the energy savings cover the cost of the financing used to fund the projects.

“This is a very substantial and concrete commitment by the district’s school board and administration to the students and taxpayers of their community,” said State Representative Richard Perales. “The district will be positioned for both immediate and long-term financial savings, all of which will benefit the students and, by extension, taxpayers.”

“I’m proud to represent such a forward-thinking district,” Perales added. “It is innovative solutions like these that make our region stand out.”

While the all-LED lighting will pay for itself through reduced utility and maintenance costs, it will also yield attractive energy rebates. With the assistance of Energy Optimizers, USA, the district obtained DRG3 Green Business Certification on seven of its buildings in April. The certification will increase the standard DP&L energy conservation rebates by up to 150 percent and earn the district additional rebates through DP&L, netting a significant savings. The rebates, combined with Energy Optimizers, USA’s ability to purchase LED lighting at factory direct pricing, brought the project in line with the district’s budget.

“This project will net Bellbrook-Sugarcreek some of the best rebates available in Ohio,” said Trimbach. “This is a great head start on the yearly savings this district will see thanks to its smart approach to energy conservation.”

About Energy Optimizers, USA:

Energy Optimizers, USA works with educational, governmental, commercial and industrial customers to implement energy savings opportunities to reduce operational costs, including lighting retrofits, renewable energy projects (wind and solar), HVAC retrofit projects, building automation retrofits and energy education programs. The company is ranked in the Top 500 of INC. Magazine’s list of 5,000 fastest growing companies in the U.S. (2014), was named the Fastest Growing Company in the region for two consecutive years by the Dayton Business Journal (2013, 2014), and was named a BBB Eclipse Integrity Award Finalist (2012). To learn more about Energy Optimizers, USA, visit their website at http://energyoptusa.com/ or call them at (937) 877-1919.

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