VANCOUVER, B.C. Canada — Cengea Solutions Inc. announces today that it has acquired the assets of Inform Network for Systems Management Limited. Cengea and Inform have been the two dominant suppliers of spatially enabled information systems to the forest products industry in Canada and have had growing success in providing systems to the forest products industry in the United States.

“The acquisition of Inform broadens the Cengea product set and strengthens our ability to address the emerging needs of the North American marketplace. The skill base that comes with Inform enhances our ability to not only service existing customers but address the opportunities we see rising in the related land use applications,” said Garry Rasmussen, President and CEO of Cengea Solutions Inc.

Cengea Solutions Mary Jane Devine, President, Inform Network for Systems Management Limited said “By combining the capabilities of the two companies we provide our customers with an expanded capacity to meet their needs in future and our employees with a greater diversity of opportunities.”

Cengea Solutions Inc. is the result of a merger in 2006 of Ansera Resources Inc. of Vancouver and Linnet Geomatics International of Winnipeg. The company is active in both the Forestry and Agriculture Industries with customers in Canada the United States and Great Britain.

Inform Network for Systems Management Limited is a joint venture of TELUS and Timberline Natural Resource Group. Founded in 1999 the company has customers in Canada and the United States.

[tags]forest products industry, Inform Network for Systems Management Limited, CEO Garry Rasmussen[/tags]