Consumer Advocates for RCFE Reform (CARR) is pleased to announce Grace Care Management as CARR’s first corporate sponsor. President and CEO Cindy Hasz stated, “Grace Care Management is pleased to support CARR’s consumer advocacy work; it long overdue, and much needed by the growing numbers of seniors who are receiving assisted living placements in California.”

Consumer Advocates for RCFE Reform

eNewsChannels NEWS: SAN DIEGO, Calif. — Consumer Advocates for RCFE Reform (CARR) is pleased to announce Grace Care Management as CARR’s first corporate sponsor. President and CEO Cindy Hasz stated, “Grace Care Management is pleased to support CARR’s consumer advocacy work; it long overdue, and much needed by the growing numbers of seniors who are receiving assisted living placements in California.”

On behalf of CARR’s Board of Directors, Executive Director, Chris Murphy accepted the corporate donation, “CARR is extremely grateful for the financial support of Grace Care Management. It is a name synonymous with quality geriatric care management services for nearly 20 years in San Diego County. Their sponsorship of CARR is synergistic with the advocacy missions of both organizations, and will enable CARR to actively engage California’s legislators on reform issues of concern to consumers of assisted living placement.”

About Grace Eldercare Inc.:

Grace Care Management was founded in 2001, and offers a range of professional care and consulting services for families having aging adults. Grace Care Management has an established record of providing families with health professionals focused on creating an environment of care, protecting, surrounding and spiritually nourishing those with chronic illness, aging, or extended recovery.

Their sponsorship of CARR continues the corporation’s history of philanthropic giving.

About Consumer Advocates for RCFE Reform:

Consumer Advocates for RCFE Reform (CARR) is a San Diego-based consumer advocacy 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving resident care in California’s assisted living facilities through customer education, and increasing industry accountability. Since 2009 CARR has supplied San Diego seniors, families, professionals, government agencies and officials with evidence-based information and analysis on aging trends in long term care, research on local assisted living facilities and resources on advocating for resident rights and obtaining accountability.

CARR is a 2014 recipient of the First Amendment Coalition’s Free Speech and Open Government Award, sponsor of AB 1523 (Atkins legislation (Statutes of 2014, Chapter 205), and San Diego County’s contractor for the Choose Well program (HHSA/AIS).

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