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NEWS: This holiday season, children and teens who have lost a loved one will be able to express and ease their grief, thanks to the debut of the “Healing HeARTS Holiday Workshop.” The free event for grieving children and teens ages 6-18 is sponsored by the Heart Songs Program at Four Seasons Compassion for Life, Saturday, Nov. 14, from 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

“The holiday season can be an especially difficult time for a grieving child or teen, as it often intensifies the void left when someone close to them has died,” says Denise Wells, Heart Songs coordinator and registered arts therapist, who will lead the workshop.

Children who attend will feel comforted by being with others their age, while receiving support and an opportunity to honor and remember the one who is missed.

“Who knows, they might even have some fun, too,” she says.

Participants will:
* Craft an ornament and create a memory candle in honor of the person who died
* Take part in a special ceremony designed for children
* Receive tips for coping with the upcoming holidays
* Enjoy a delicious lunch with new friends who share their journey.

Space is limited to the first 30 children who submit complete registration materials by Oct. 31, 2015.

The Heart Songs Program at Four Seasons Compassion for Life debuts its “Healing HeARTS Holiday Workshop” for grieving children and teens ages 6-18. The free event will be Saturday, Nov. 14, from 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. on the main campus at 571 South Allen Road.

For more information or to register, visit http://www.HeartSongsHolidayWorkshop.com/ contact Denise Wells, dwells@fourseasonscfl.org, or call Four Seasons Compassion for Life, (828) 692-6178.

About Four Seasons

Four Seasons Compassion for Life – http://www.fourseasonscfl.org/ – is a 501c3 non-profit organization with a dedicated team of health care professionals, social workers, spiritual care professionals and volunteers deeply committed to its mission of “Co-Creating The Care Experience.” Nationally known for its leadership in innovative, quality hospice and palliative care services, and serving western North Carolina, Four Seasons is a former Circle of Life award recipient by the American Medical Association.

Twitter: @fscfl

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