eNewsChannels: Ohio school districtsTIPP CITY, Ohio /eNewsChannels/ — NEWS: Michael Lamb, Superintendent of Shawnee Local Schools, is pleased to announce that the district is implementing an energy conservation project, to be implemented by Energy Optimizers, USA, to improve four existing academic buildings, reduce over-all energy usage, and save taxpayer resources.

“In an age of declining revenue and resources, the ability to reduce our operational expenditures through greater energy efficiency is tremendously important for the fiscal health of the school district. Energy Optimizers, USA, and SHP Leading Design have enabled us to save precious dollars that can be redirected into the classrooms for quality instruction for our students,” says Lamb.

Energy Optimizers, USA, along with strategic partner, SHP Leading Design, has identified areas where enhancements should be made, to the local high school in particular, so the buildings can be more purposeful in their use of energy without compromising a comfortable learning environment for teachers and students. The district is utilizing a funding mechanism through the Ohio School Facilities Commission’s House Bill 264 program so that the District does not have to ask for any taxpayer dollars.

Though the total cost of this project exceeds $1.1 million (prior to grants and rebates), the Shawnee Local School system stands to save a staggering $117,560 in annual energy and operations costs. As a result, the District can count on a 9.36 year payback, along with other post-project benefits, including energy management and energy education programming, in addition to increasingly efficient buildings that facilitate a productive and safe academic experience.

Energy Optimizers, USA developed a project for Shawnee Local Schools focused on lighting upgrades, which will significantly reduce electrical consumption across the district, in addition to upgrading existing mechanical equipment and retrofitting boilers. Both Shawnee High School and Middle School, along with Maplewood Intermediate School, Elmwood Primary School and the Bus Garage will all receive top of the line upgrades upon implementation of the energy conservation project including re-lamping and de-lamping fluorescent fixtures, occupancy sensors, exterior fixtures, steam boiler plant retrofits, computer upgrades, and smart controls on kitchen equipment.

“To date, SHP has helped over 35 school districts with energy saving initiatives,” noted Charlie Jahnigen, Vice President of SHP Leading Design. “SHP has worked with Shawnee Local Schools since 2012 to improve their learning environments. Focusing on energy efficiency is a great step to long-term facility management,” added Jahnigen. The breadth of project experience and commitment to a critical mission by Energy Optimizers, USA and SHP will serve this Lima-area school district well.

Additionally, students and teachers can expect to receive funding to implement an energy education program that allows students to take the Shawnee Local School District’s sustainability efforts a step further by creating student groups called “Green Teams.” The students who wish to participate in Green Team programming will participate in engrossing, educational STEM (Science. Technology. Engineering. Math) activities related to energy conservation, while encouraging their peers to become more environmentally conscious.

“It is always encouraging when the school district we are working with is as excited as we are to implement an energy conservation project,” notes Bob Hausmann, Operations Manager for Energy Optimizers, USA. “Shawnee Local Schools’ administration and School Board members are not only pleased to make positive changes in order to conserve both energy and taxpayer resources, they are passionate about creating better, more efficient facilities for their students and teachers. We truly look forward to helping them meet their fiscal goals and assisting them in championing a great idea – the idea that a ‘greener,’ more sustainable means of energy use is not only responsible and practical, it is preferable.”

About Energy Optimizers, USA:

Energy Optimizers, USA works with Ohio school districts and government agencies to implement energy savings opportunities to reduce operational costs, including lighting retrofits, renewable energy projects (wind and solar), HVAC retrofit projects, building automation retrofits and energy education programs. To learn more about Energy Optimizers, USA, visit their website at http://energyoptusa.com/ or call them at (937) 877-1919.

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