Home Drug Test KitSEATTLE, Wash. /eNewsChannels/ — Talking to kids about drugs can be difficult, but the consequences of not having this conversation can be devastating. That’s where Drug Tests by Mom (DrugTestsByMom.com) comes in.

“You only need to use methamphetamines once,” says Arlene Nelson, founder of Drug Tests By Mom. “That’s why it’s so important for parents to get involved if they suspect that their child is using or may be considering using drugs.”

Nelson goes on to explain that one of the most difficult factors lies in the emotions involved.

“We strive to provide parents with the support and tools that they need to talk to their kids and to take the emotion out of it,” explains Nelson.

DrugTestsByMom.com is a helpful and comprehensive website that provides parents with cues to look for. It’s important to be able to recognize the signs and behaviors that can predicate drug abuse. Early detection is critical, and it’s too risky to guess or wait. Real-life experiences and observations are also shared.

Confronting drug use is an important step in helping a child to live a healthier and happier life. Many consequences of drug abuse can last a lifetime such as: dropping out of school; getting a criminal record; prison time; HIV; damage to heart, lungs, brain; and physical and psychological damage caused to others. So, parents are encouraged to test at home.

The drug testing kit offered at DrugTestsbyMom.com – the Take 5 Special Offer Kit – covers five testing occasions; screens for eight substances each time; and provides specimen validity test strips to test the sample before the test. And the cost is for less than two multi-substance kits offered elsewhere.

“My goal is to make home drug testing as simple, reliable and affordable as possible,” says Nelson. “So, I assembled a reliable process which is objective, measurable and repeatable.”

About Drug Tests by Mom:

Drug Tests by Mom is a dba of Maverick Apostle, a non-profit charitable organization registered with the state of Washington (UBI 603012013), which is also unlike others in this category. The business model requires it to be non-profit and not to seek donations, but through business, to sustain itself; provide a product or service to prevent drug abuse and criminal activity; and to carry on this purpose and model.

For more information, visit: www.DrugTestsByMom.com .

This story was issued by Send2Press® Newswire (Send2Press.com) on behalf of the news source and is Copyright © 2010 Neotrope® News Network – all rights reserved.

Story References: Home Drug Test Kit, Arlene Nelson, Seattle, Drug Tests by Mom, important for parents to get involved if they suspect that their child is using or may be considering using drugs, abuse, Early detection, non-profit charitable organization registered with the state of Washington, UBI 603012013.