eNewsChannels: persecuted Christians

TAMPA, Fla. /eNewsChannels/ — NEWS: Florida-based Joshuacord, a Christian, nondenominational non-profit organization, is hosting its second annual 5K Joshua 1:9 Religious Freedom Run. It’s scheduled to take place on Saturday, December 13, 2014 from 8 to 10 a.m. The race will start and finish at Al Lopez Park, 4810 N. Himes Ave., Tampa.

“The Joshua 1:9 Freedom Run was created to bring awareness to the plight of persecuted Christians,” Patrick Carberry, founder says. “Our goals are to raise awareness about the oppression and persecution of Christians in the Middle East and Africa; to be an advocate for those being persecuted by Islamic extremists; to encourage Christians across America to stand united with other Christians who are suffering for following Christ; and to give courage and hope to our suffering brothers and sisters.”

Carberry adds that since the media is now reporting on the atrocities of Islamic extremism in the Middle East and Africa that the importance of religious freedom is gaining ground.

“It’s a cherished right for all Americans and for all those who believe in freedom,” Carberry says. “Now, more than ever, we need to act and stand up and support those being persecuted for their Christian faith in northern Iraq, Syria, and other parts of the world, who are given a choice of converting to Islam, dying for their faith or fleeing their homelands.”

Registration for this religious freedom run is $25 for all participants who register by December 10. After that, registration is $30 and can be done online via Active.com or at: http://www.joshuacord.org/5k .

Others who would like to support the event, but cannot attend, can participate virtually. Virtual supporters will receive a race packet and a Dri-FIT t-shirt.

Approximately 500 people are expected to participate in this family-friendly event. Runners, walkers and people with strollers are all welcomed to join in the fun. Cheerleaders and supportive bystanders are also encouraged to come by.

The Joshua 1:9 Freedom Run gives all Christians an opportunity to show their concern and support to fellow believers.

“It’s not just about religious freedom and the fight against terrorists,” Carberry says. “It’s also a human rights issue that requires action on our part to bring about change. Someone once said, action does not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action. When good men do nothing, then nothing good gets done.”

This religious freedom run is for anyone who believes in human rights, religious freedom and freedom of conscience. Race participants wear a “Persecuted but not Forgotten” ribbon as a symbol to remember and pray for suffering believers. The top of the ribbon is marked with the Arabic letter N, pronounced “noonu.” ISIL terrorists have been marking Christian homes with this letter which stands for Nasrani, the Arabic word for Christian or Nazarene. These ribbons will be available on the website and at the upcoming Joshua 1:9 Freedom Run.

Carberry quotes President Franklin D. Roosevelt: “There comes a time in the affairs of men when they must prepare to defend, not their homes alone, but the tenets of faith and humanity on which their churches, their governments, and their very civilizations are founded. The defense of religion of democracy, and of good faith among nations is all the same fight. To save one we must now make up our minds to save all.”

About Joshuacord Inc.:

Joshuacord is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization. It is a Christian, nondenominational organization dedicated to raising awareness about the oppression and persecution of Christians in the Middle East and Africa. More information: http://www.joshuacord.org/ .

Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joshuacord1.9 .

Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/joshua_cord .

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