WASHINGTON, D.C. /eNewsChannels/ NEWS: In recognition of Secretary Kerry’s “Our Ocean” Conference on June 16-17, the U.S. Department of State’s Office of Global Partnerships, in collaboration with /tone™ and GSM Association, launched a new public-private partnership today called mFish. mFish is a “new initiative that aims to make fishing more sustainable and improve the lives of fishermen and their communities by developing practical solutions that use the power of commercially viable mobile technology.”

US Department of StatemFish will leverage the adoption of mobile phone use across the developing world to address sustainable fishing challenges and improve economic conditions in fishing villages. The partnership will establish a means to reach, teach and engage under-served fishing communities.

mFish will be powered by /tone™, a mobile technology platform that brings the people behind global marketers, businesses, and consumers together in a single, personalized interface.

mFish will use mobile services to provide real-time information to help fishermen, managers and the seafood industry to communicate, access information and share data seamlessly. Information can be used to collect and analyze catch data, monitor illegal fishing, trace seafood along supply chains, and improve fishing safety.