Mortgage Capital Trading, Inc. (MCT), an industry leading hedge advisor and developer of MCTlive!(TM), the award-winning secondary marketing software suite, has entered into a strategic collaboration with Fannie Mae(R) to facilitate new technology deployment, collaborative planning, and better service to mutual clients.

The initial impact of this collaboration is to enable MCT to connect to live Fannie Mae pricing for real-time distribution to mutual clients within the MCTlive! platform. This connectivity allows for timely best-ex analysis, and faster execution for Fannie Mae sellers.

Mortgage Capital Trading
It is envisioned that this technical integration will be the first step in a roadmap of continued developments intended to provide distinct and tangible benefits to Fannie Mae-approved lenders. As additional benefits, MCT clients will receive a reduction in Fannie Mae application and re-activation fees, as well as opportunities for direct interaction with key Fannie Mae personnel at MCT exclusive events.

“MCT and Fannie Mae have worked well together for many years in an unscripted relationship of mutual respect and client convenience,” stated Ben Itkin, Managing Director at MCT.

“This strategic collaboration puts a more formal and intentional direction to our collaboration. We are tremendously pleased to enter into this collaborative relationship with Fannie Mae, which will undoubtedly bring increased opportunity and efficiency to our clients. “The fee reductions Fannie Mae has offered to MCT clients, while obviously a great benefit, only represent a single component of the overall value gain to be enjoyed by our mutual clients”.

“The collaboration between Fannie Mae and MCT unlocks advantageous execution efficiencies for The Money Source,” said Chuck Dimiceli, EVP of Secondary Marketing at TMS. “We can capitalize on these efficiencies and deliver better pricing and service to our customers. We chose MCT as a secondary advisory partner for their expertise and vision in crafting these relationships to the benefit of their clients.”

Further technology enhancements and cooperative efforts from the MCT/Fannie Mae collaboration are anticipated and will be publicized in subsequent releases.

About MCT:
Mortgage Capital Trading, Inc. (MCT) is a capital markets-focused risk management and advisory services company providing independent analysis, training, hedging strategy and loan sale execution support to clients engaged in the secondary mortgage market. Founded in San Diego, California in May 2001, the company has expanded to include field sales and support offices in Philadelphia, Dallas, San Francisco and Charlotte. MCT is a recognized leader in the industry and currently supports more than 150 clients on the HALO (Hedging And Loan sales Optimization) Program. The company

also develops and supports MCTlive!(TM), an award-winning real-time, trading and best-execution secondary marketing platform. MCT’s LockCentral(TM) is the industry’s largest outsourced centralized lock desk service. For more information, please visit or call (619) 543-5111.

About Fannie Mae(R):
Fannie Mae is focused on advancing a sustainable and reliable business model that reduces risk to the housing finance system and taxpayers; providing reliable, large-scale access to affordable mortgage credit for qualified borrowers and helping struggling homeowners; and serving customer needs and improving our business efficiency. We are setting responsible standards for the mortgage industry, paying dividend payments to Treasury, and helping homeowners facing hardship keep their homes or avoid foreclosure. Learn more about our progress by clicking on the links below, and visit

This news story was published by the Neotrope® News Network – all rights reserved.