

Software News and Business Applications News


Software News and Business Applications News

Squarerigger Unveils New Version of its SQ.7 Fleet Maintenance Information Software

SQ.7 Mobile Shop ComputerSILVERDALE, Wash. -- Squarerigger, Inc., a market leader of fleet maintenance information systems, today announced the release of version 7.0 of its popular SQ.7(TM) software. "Customers are excited about the productivity gains they see from our new PocketPC handhelds," said Ed Cooper, CEO. "With our other enhancements, version 7.0 is our most significant new version yet."

AgentFactor Announces Travel eFulfillment and Ticketing Services

AgentFactorNEW YORK, N.Y. -- AgentFactor, a travel-veteran venture, announces the new offering of Travel eFulfillment and Ticketing Services to online and offline travel businesses. This turn-key service enables travel businesses to partially, or fully, outsource their backend operation and to focus more on sales and marketing initiatives.

The CyberAngel Foils Interstate Laptop Theft – Laptop Stolen from S.C., Recovered in N.J.

The CyberAngelCOLUMBIA, S.C. -- CyberAngel(R) Security Solutions, Inc. (CSS, Inc.) has made an interstate recovery of a stolen laptop thanks to excellent police work in two states. Recently, an independent sales agent had his computer stolen while visiting a client. This laptop is a company machine that uses software from The CyberAngel(R) to encrypt sensitive data and recover lost or stolen hardware. The CyberAngel is a comprehensive tracking tool that is virtually undetectable to unauthorized users.

Leading Nigerian IT Products Provider Integrates M2SYS Fingerprint Software into Third Party National Voting System

M2SYS TechnologyATLANTA, Ga. -- M2SYS Technology announced today that it was selected late in 2006 by a leading Nigerian IT products provider to deliver fingerprint scanners and software for the secure national voting project. After the original local vendor selected for the project faced delays in meeting its timeline for the fulfillment of a portion of needed IT units, Nigerian government officials sought out the help of another company, who turned to M2SYS for assistance.

deverus, Inc. Unveils Online Resource for Ziptuit Product Line

AUSTIN, Texas -- deverus today announced their new product website for the diverse Ziptuit product line. The site is devoted to the various platforms available and offers detailed comparisons designed to help prospective clients decide which level is right for their business needs.

deverus, Inc. Launches eSigScreen for Background Checks

AUSTIN, Texas -- deverus today launched the eSigScreen(TM) electronic consent to background check tool for the VeroHire Recruiting system. The electronic consent process provides four key benefits to the employer and background check companies.

Data Impact, EDGAR Online Offer New Tool for Electronic Document Delivery and Retirement Plan Management

Data Impact ConsentOneNORWALK, Conn. -- Data Impact today announced the availability of ConsentOne, a new, Web-based management and document delivery service powered by EDGAR Online's real-time prospectus tool.

deverus Instant Advantage is now Offering Integrated Tenant Screening through NBD's National RegistryCHECK

AUSTIN, Texas -- deverus today announced their newest product in the deverus Instant Advantage program -- the deverus/NBD National RegistryCHECK Data Integration Service. This service allows consumers to place orders for national tenant screening - and receive results instantly.

TeamF1 Launches Unique SMBware Line of Production-Ready Software Solutions

TeamF1 SMBwareFREMONT, Calif. -- TeamF1, Inc., the leader in embedded security, has launched a line of production-ready software solutions geared specifically to OEMs/ODMs serving the small-to-medium business (SMB) segment. The SMBware(TM) family of innovative prepackaged solutions gives OEMs the ability to bring to market differentiated, leading-edge devices for their SMB customers.

TeamF1 to Unveil Customizable Secure Gateway Solution Running on Cavium Networks OCTEON Processors at RSA Conference 2007

TeamF1FREMONT, Calif. -- TeamF1, Inc., a leader in embedded networking and security software solutions for wired and wireless applications, will unveil its latest innovation - the Secure Gateway Solution - in a demonstration at Cavium Networks Booth #1031 at RSA Conference 2007 to be held February 6-9 in the Moscone Center in San Francisco.