FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Argentech, Inc. today announced that it reached agreement with Invision International Health Solutions, Inc., to purchase the rights to Opti-Silver, a patented antibacterial and antiviral technology that utilizes ionic silver in a unique complex for optimal delivery in the human body. The complex was granted broad patent protection in the U.S. and, recently, in Mexico as well. It also has patent protection overseas. (See

ArgentechRecently, there has been a surge in the number of industrial and medically related products utilizing ionic silver, owing to its broad-spectrum antibacterial and antiviral qualities. University studies and regulatory approvals further attest to the antimicrobial powers of ionic silver, which is harmless to humans with normal use.

The mechanism of action by which ionic silver kills germs gives it this remarkable combination of characteristics. However, it’s extremely unstable and requires a delivery mechanism to function.

The result of more than a million dollars in development, Opti-Silver was designed explicitly to optimize the delivery of silver ions in the human body.

“The Opti-Silver complex represents a quantum leap in utilizing ionic silver for internal human use,” said Roger Leblanc, Ph.D., former director of the Departments of Chemistry and Advanced Microscopy at the University of Miami. “Nothing else even comes close to the efficiency of its unique delivery mechanism.”

Donald Baird, Ph.D., former director of the Department of Chemistry at Florida Atlantic University, has called Opti-Silver “ingenious” and “unprecedented.” (See

In November of 2007, the maker of a certain surface disinfectant was granted EPA approval to claim that its ionic silver product kills strains of SARS, Bird Flu, MRSA, influenza, and a range of other pathogens. Drs. Leblanc and Baird have written pointed reports stating that surface disinfectant would be all but useless for internal human use, citing its lack of an appropriate delivery mechanism for the challenging electro-chemical environment of the human body.

“To a chemist,” Dr. Baird stated, “Opti-Silver represents a brilliant chemical formulation that results in a far more efficient delivery mechanism for releasing silver ions in the body than has ever existed before.”

“We have the technology and patents to support a business model that enables us to perform serious humanitarian work, by growing our business,” said Jay Newman, CEO of Argentech. “And we have a game plan in place to roll this out to the public on a massive scale in a remarkably short time,” he said.

A study has been designed, to be conducted at the world’s largest clinical research center for pediatric drugs, which Argentech believes will prove the ability of ionic silver to prevent the vast majority of upper respiratory infections, including those that are viral in nature. Fighting viral infection is an area where solutions are still lacking and vitally needed.

“To fund the study, we’re relying on wealthy individuals who really want to make a difference in human health on a worldwide scale,” Newman said.

“It’s not that we mind sharing stock with investors,” he added. “We find that philanthropists tend to resonate far better with us, because they share the humanitarian priority behind our mission. It’s not just about the numbers for us. It’s both. We have to be successful to get this vital product to the people.”

Charitable contributions can be made into a 501(C)(3) called the Foundation for Health Research, which will fund the study.

Meet Newman and hear the story at

Further information: Jay Newman, 954-776-2406,