NEW YORK, N.Y. — Eularis is announcing the release of its report “How To Harness The Power Of Social Media In Pharmaceutical eMarketing.” This report puts to rest the issues around “can’t,” and shows Pharmaceutical marketers how they can utilize social media networks effectively to meet their marketing objectives. “I see this common belief that social media is too difficult to implement effectively in Pharma, given the regulatory and legal hurdles, and of course the lack of ability to measure financial impact of the activities,” said the author of the report, Dr. Andree K. Bates, President of Eularis.

Eularis ROI“Certainly there are challenges, and adverse event (AE) reporting is a key concern of many companies due to the lack of control over it in this kind of media. However these concerns are overstated. The reality is that a recent study by BuzzMetrics found that only 1 in 500 messages on health related message boards and social networks was eligible to meet all four of the FDA’s AE reporting criteria. Given most online communities discourage the use of personally identifiable information this is what one would expect. By carefully utilizing social media as part of an integrated, carefully planned campaign – especially given that these emerging social media tools are inexpensive to implement and have already been proven to be highly effective for gaining prescriptions – we should not be as fearful in our industry as we appear to be.”

This comprehensive report addresses the most common legal and regulatory concerns of pharma and shows how a social media campaign that is built on strategy and a deep knowledge of the audience can be powerful and should not be feared. It also examines in great detail specific tools in the social media age, observing how patients, physicians and pharma companies currently use blogs, social networking, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Wikis and other social media tools… and develops best practices for their use in Pharmaceutical eMarketing. Finally, the report ties it all together, examining key case studies of healthcare social media eMarketing campaigns, giving instructions on first steps for your own campaign, and taking a closer look at measurement and achieving financial objectives.

Utilizing social media in Pharmaceutical eMarketing can be a challenge. However, with some company initiative, firm goals and the insider knowledge provided by this report, marketers can also find social media to be an empowering opportunity for their brands.

To purchase this report, please visit:

About Eularis

Eularis provides sophisticated Pharmaceutical analytics that provide data-driven insight into the financial impact of corporate and marketing decisions. Unlike traditional analytics approaches, which are lengthy and whose reliance on historical or analogue data reduces their accuracy, Eularis’ proprietary 94.8 Analytics Process is based on the current market situation. This proven approach helps Pharmaceutical marketing teams to quickly plan, measure, validate and optimize their sales and marketing performance, knowing where to focus and how to budget, for maximum financial return. Co-headquartered in London and New York City, the company has developed significant experience in the global Pharmaceutical market through client engagements with AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Pfizer, and many others. For more information about Eularis, visit