PLYMOUTH MEETING, Pa. — A recent study of Human Resource Managers by BOOST Kids has shown that 70% of an individual’s career success is a direct result of his or her “People Skills” versus only 30% of a person’s career success is attributable to their technical knowledge of the job.

“This study confirms that many times it is not an individual’s technical knowledge of a job, but his or her ability to get along with others and fit in a work environment that creates career success,” said BOOST Kids founder Rob Heller. “That is why it is more important than ever to teach our children people skills and develop their character, especially in today’s challenging environment of raising kids.”

BOOST Kids is an interactive program that teaches and reinforces important life skills such as meeting and greeting, eye contact, telephone manners, good listening habits, respecting others, dealing with peer pressure, and more!

Heller developed BOOST Kids in conjunction with child psychologists, parents and guidance counselors after realizing that his own children needed help with these skills and he could not find a third-party program that would teach his children these important lessons.

Boost Kids is a highly acclaimed program currently being taught in schools and in after-school programs and has shown to increase children’s confidence. It is now available as a home version that parents can purchase online at

For more information, go to or email Charlie Copp at

[tags]BOOST Kids program, important life skills, Rob Heller[/tags]