Simplifile, a leading provider of real estate document collaboration and recording technologies for lenders, settlement agents, and counties, today announced it will begin electronically recording property records in seven South Dakota counties for the first time. Simplifile’s announcement follows a recent decision by the South Dakota State Legislature authorizing local register of deeds offices to accept electronically submitted documents.

eNewsChannels NEWS: PROVO, Utah — Simplifile, a leading provider of real estate document collaboration and recording technologies for lenders, settlement agents, and counties, today announced it will begin electronically recording property records in seven South Dakota counties for the first time. Simplifile’s announcement follows a recent decision by the South Dakota State Legislature authorizing local register of deeds offices to accept electronically submitted documents.

“We are excited to hit the ground running in South Dakota, where settlement agents and registers of deeds will begin to experience the benefits of e-recording for the first time this week,” said Simplifile President Paul Clifford. “We look forward to the day when residents of all 50 states can enjoy the security, speed, and cost savings of e-recording.”

Effective today, South Dakota joins 45 other U.S. states that have authorized e-recording of deeds, mortgages, and other documents to enable faster and more cost-effective land record transactions. Only Kentucky, West Virginia, Vermont, and Rhode Island have yet to begin e-recording.

Simplifile expects to add several additional South Dakota counties to its e-recording network, the nation’s largest, within the next 60 days.

In the meantime, e-recording is now beginning in the following South Dakota counties:
* Brule County
* Clark County
* Edmunds County
* Gregory County
* Hughes County
* Kingsbury County
* McPherson County.

Simplifile’s e-recording service allows settlement agents to scan and electronically submit property records and associated recording fees directly to the county, making the recording process faster and more secure while reducing payment errors and eliminating check-writing expenses. County recorders can review, stamp, record, and return documents in just minutes.

For a full list of the 1,500-plus county offices throughout the United States that record with Simplifile, visit

About Simplifile

Simplifile, the nation’s largest e-recording network, was founded in 2000 to connect settlement agents and county recorders via its e-recording service. Today Simplifile has broadened its services to include collaboration tools and post-closing visibility for mortgage lenders and settlement agents working together on real estate documents. Through Simplifile, users can securely record, share, and track documents, data, and fees with ease.

To learn more, visit or call 800-460-5657.

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