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Tag: AccuSure

AccuSure Webinar Shows Businesses How to Save Money and Meet OSHA Form Requirements

SAN DIEGO, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: AccuSure today announced that is willing to help any Calif. business learn how to comply with one of the most important but overlooked mandates from OSHA (Occupational and Safety Health Administration). Most businesses are required by law to publish a summary of their OSHA 300 log from 02/01 - 04/30 annually.

Employers with 1099 Contractors Should Prepare for Possible Workers Comp Claims

SAN DIEGO, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: We are all looking to operate as lean as possible and many employers turn to 1099 employees to reduce tax and insurance burden, says Jamie Reid, CEO of AccuSure. But a big question remains: if they file a work comp claim, would it be covered? Can the insurance company charge premium on a work comp audit? These are important for employers to know.

DEMO Fall 2014: AccuSure launches Cloud Solution for Commercial Insurance

SAN JOSE, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: AccuSure today announced the launch of its revolutionary business at DEMO Fall 2014, world-renowned for launching the most innovative companies in mobile, cloud computing, consumer, and social media technologies. (DEMO Booth: B24.)