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Tag: Alzheimers disease

Microbiome Expert Dr. Sabine Hazan of ProgenaBiome Shares Evidence of Alzheimer’s Improvement Post-FMT

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Dr. Sabine Hazan, founder of ProgenaBiome, a genetic sequencing lab in California, achieved rapid improvement in Alzheimer's disease (AD) symptoms in an 82-year-old male patient following fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT).

Screening Test App for Predicting Alzheimer’s – The OLFACT Test Battery

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- The OLFACT™ Test Battery, developed by Osmic Enterprises, was initially developed to detect olfactory impairments. Now, it's been adapted as an automated, self-administered screening test to predict Alzheimer's disease/dementia and is being tested by a number of prominent physicians and research laboratories around the United States and in China.

Keep Our Seniors Safe Act Signed by California Governor Newsom

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Consumer Advocates for RCFE Reform (CARR) announces that California Governor Newsom signed the Keep Our Seniors Safe Act, a part of SB 172 (Portantino) which was signed into law on 12 October, 2019.

Americans Should Plan for Alzheimer’s Long-Term Care Before It’s Needed, says ACSIA Partners

NEWS: (KIRKLAND, Wash.) ACSIA Partners, a national distributor of long-term care insurance and education, recommends preemptive action against the impact of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. 'Cognitive decline is a big and growing reason Americans need long-term care,' says Denise Gott, CEO, 'and the best time to plan for it is before symptoms arise.'

LTC Financial Partners announces a five-part 'solution set' for Americans learning to cope with dementia, which includes Alzheimer's

KIRKLAND, Wash. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: LTC Financial Partners, LLC (LTCFP), today announced a five-part 'solution set' for Americans facing a growing problem: how to cope when Mom, Dad or another family member succumbs to dementia, which includes Alzheimer's disease. When dementia strikes, memory and other faculties decline.