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Tag: Asbury Park

Fifth Annual Surfside Food Drive, Cornhole Tournament and Concert Series Hits New Jersey

ASBURY PARK, N.J. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: Join Move For Hunger this Labor Day Weekend for the Fifth Annual Surfside Food Drive, Cornhole Tournament and Concert Series on the 2nd Ave. Asbury Park Boardwalk. While hunger may not be on people's minds during the 2013 summer holidays, for the 120,000 people in Monmouth and Ocean County that struggle to find their next meal, hunger takes no vacations.

Move For Hunger Presents the Fourth Annual Surfside Food Drive in New Jersey

ASBURY PARK, N.J. /eNewsChannels/ -- Non-profit Move For Hunger presents the Fourth Annual Surfside Food Drive and Concert Series to benefit the Food Bank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties. While hunger may not be on people's minds during the summer holidays, hunger takes no vacations. The summer months can be some of the most difficult for food banks and struggling families as children who receive subsidized lunches are home from school.