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Tag: Center for Student Opportunity

First-generation U.S. College Students Win 'I'm First' Scholarship and Share Their Stories

BETHESDA, Md. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: Eight first-year college students who beat the odds to become the first in their family to attend college have been awarded Center for Student Opportunity's 'I'm First Scholarship,' a $2,000, four-year, renewable award. Along with 25 previous winners, these students share their personal stories, chronicle their college experiences, and offer advice to aspiring first-generation college students on the 'I'm First' blog.

Center for Student Opportunity's 'I'm First' Project Launches to Celebrate and Support First-Generation College Students

BETHESDA, Md. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: The nonprofit Center for Student Opportunity (CSO) thinks it's time to celebrate first-generation college students and help build the next generation students who will be the first in their families to attend and graduate from college. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan agrees and will help launch CSO's 'I'm First campaign' on October 2 with his own video message.

Center for Student Opportunity receives NonProfit PR Grant to expand mission of empowering first-generation college students

BETHESDA, Md. /eNewsChannels/ -- The Center for Student Opportunity (CSO) is pleased to announce it is one of this year's recipients of the 2013 Neotrope JL Simmons Non-Profit PR Grant award. Neotrope will provide public relations and cause-related-marketing support to CSO over the next year to raise awareness around its education programs, events, and accomplishments.

I'm First Scholarship for First-Generation College Students announced by Center for Student Opportunity

BETHESDA, Md. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS Apr 1, 2013: The Center for Student Opportunity (CSO), a national 501(c)3 non-profit, is now accepting applications for the I'm First Scholarship, a $2,000 four-year renewable scholarship for matriculating first-generation college students.