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Tag: Cosmetic Surgery

‘Besos de plastico (Plastic Kisses)’ doucmentary film is a warning to the global population of the risks taken with biopolymers injections

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- As an amateur social project of the famous Dominican plastic surgeon, Luis Lopez Tallaj MD, trained in Brazil 20 years ago, has released recently on YouTube, the dramatic documentary "Besos de plástico" (Plastic Kisses). It is already available on his YouTube channel Lopeztallaj, this Hispanic or Latin project with closed captions in English, French and Portuguese is a warning to the global population of the risks taken with biopolymers injections.

Dr. Elizabeth Whitaker, an Atlanta-based Facial Plastic Surgeon, recognized with several local and national distinctions

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Elizabeth Whitaker, M.D., F.A.C.S., owner and founder of Atlanta Face & Body, has been recognized by several renowned national and local publications for her outstanding work in plastic surgery and minimally invasive aesthetic treatments. The most recent of these was being named in Modern Luxury's "Top Doctor Spotlight."

Atlanta facial plastic surgeon, Dr. Elizabeth Whitaker, recognized among 2021 Exceptional Women in Medicine

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Atlanta facial plastic surgeon Elizabeth Whitaker, M.D., F.A.C.S., of Atlanta Face & Body, has recently been selected as one of Castle Connolly's Exceptional Women in Medicine for 2021. This distinction is based on outstanding accomplishments and dedication to the field of medicine and specifically recognizes women who contribute to the advancement of healthcare through clinical care, research, community service, education, and leadership.

California Surgeon, Dr. Jacob Haiavy, is First to Offer Transumbilical Breast Augmentation with Silicone Implants

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Jacob Haiavy, MD of Inland Cosmetic Surgery has made history by performing transumbilical breast augmentation (TUBA) with silicone gel-filled implants. Dr. Haiavy is only the third surgeon to ever place silicone implants through the discreet incision in the navel.

Dr. Spiegel: The Beauty Secrets Men Don’t Want to Tell You: from Bro-tox to Dermal Fillers

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- The saying 'look good, feel good' does not only ring true for women. Being more physically attractive can have positive implications for career-minded and goal-oriented men. Women have been reaping the benefits of these non-invasive procedures for decades, but recently The Spiegel Center has seen the number of procedures performed on men increase by over 100%.

Dr. Laju Mathew, Board Certified Dermatologist, Joins the Siperstein Dermatology Group in Florida

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Dr. Laju Mathew, a board certified dermatologist with more than 10 years of experience, joins the prestigious team of board certified dermatologists, board certified facial plastic surgeon, physicians assistants and laser technicians at Siperstein Dermatology Group.

For Patient Safety Awareness Week 2021, ABCS announces Cosmetic Surgery Patient Safety Certification

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- To celebrate Patient Safety Awareness Week (March 14-20, 2021), the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery (ABCS) announces a new way for patients to identify a cosmetic surgeon with a particular focus on safety: Cosmetic Surgery Patient Safety® (CSPS) certification.

Dr. Gregory Buford is excited to announce publication of his latest book, “The Boob Job Bible’

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Board-certified Denver plastic surgeon Dr. Gregory Buford is excited to announce the publication of his latest book, "The Boob Job Bible: Your Ultimate Guide to Breast Surgery."

Basu Aesthetics announces new scholarship for non-traditional Texas students in the medical field

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- C. Bob Basu, MD, MBA, MPH, FACS of Houston is honored to announce the first year of the annual Basu Plastic Surgery Advancing Care Scholarship for Adult Learners. Designed to support adults over the age of 40 who live in Texas as they pursue a graduate degree as a licensed medical practitioner, physician, or nurse.

California’s Granite Bay Cosmetic Surgery Practice Paves the Way for Women in Cosmetic Medicine

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- The field of plastic surgery has long had a gender imbalance: while 92% of patients are women, most plastic surgeons are men. In fact, only 1 out of 5 plastic surgeons is female. This is gradually changing, due in part to women like board certified plastic surgeon Christa Clark, MD, FACS, who employs an all-female staff at her practice, Granite Bay Cosmetic Surgery.