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Tag: Drink HRW

Experimental Gerontology: Hydrogen Tablets May Improve Markers of Aging in the Elderly

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Aging is a reality that we all deal with, with age-related diseases creating a massive burden on our healthcare system. Now, Drink HRW reports that a new randomized, placebo controlled clinical trial that followed elderly participants for 6 months, published online October 1st in Experimental Gerontology, explains that high doses of hydrogen water (HRW), delivered via hydrogen tablets, could be an effective strategy at improving multiple age-related measurements and outcomes in an elderly population.

Mondayin Food Science and Nutrition: Drink HRW Hydrogen Tablets Outperform Caffeine in Improving Brain Metabolism After Sleep Deprivation

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- The COVID-19 pandemic is creating unprecedented levels of sleep deprivation, which presents a significant risk to mental and physical health, says Drink HRW. Additionally, "COVID-somnia," a term coined to describe the rising prevalence of insomnia following COVID-19 infection, has begun to emerge.

Drink HRW signs an exclusive partnership with ViloVit, bringing leading health products to the Russian market

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Drink HRW, the industry leader in effervescent tablets to create hydrogen-rich water on demand, announced that they had signed an exclusive partnership with ViloVit, a Russian company dedicated to bringing leading health products to the Russian market, for distribution of Drink HRW branded products across the Eurasian Economic Union, made up of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan.

Drink HRW Announces BOOST and BUILD Ultimate Pre-Workout Performance Supplements

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Drink HRW, the company that revolutionized the supplement industry with its molecular hydrogen tablets, now releases BOOST and BUILD - Ultimate Pre-Workout Performance Supplements.

Drink HRW Reports on the Start of a Large-Scale Randomized Controlled Trial and Preliminary Findings from a Pilot Trial on the...

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Drink HRW is excited to announce that a large, double-blind placebo-controlled trial is set to begin this week in France, initiated by the University of Grenoble-Alpes. At the request of the researchers, Drink HRW is supplying the hydrogen tablets for the study as well as a donation to improve the size and scope of the research. It has no other involvement in the research or the decision to publish results.