Tag: ForeclosureDataOnline

ForeclosureDataOnline reports Colorado and Georgia Lead Highest U.S. Foreclosure Listings Increase

NEW YORK, N.Y. /eNewsChannels/ -- Foreclosure Data Online reports that Colorado and Georgia had the highest increase in foreclosure listings, considered the most in the United States from April to May of 2011, reflecting more accurate statistics and reasons challenging the overall appearance of a downward trend over the previous year.

According to ForeclosureDataOnline, Real Estate Foreclosures in Florida Drop 12 Percent during April, 2011

MIAMI, Fla. /eNewsChannels/ -- Foreclosure Data Online reports that the state of Florida saw a decline in the number of foreclosures from 9,353 in March to 8,224 in April of this year; a 12 percent drop. Of the ten top Florida cities of foreclosures, only Jacksonville had an increase; 1.3841 percent from March to April.

ForeclosureDataOnline reports on California's Top Cities with Homes in Foreclosure

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- Foreclosure Data Online reports data for the top California cities and the change since the previous month. Facing more foreclosures, California, already the region's number one State for foreclosures reveals the top 10 cities that made the state number one in foreclosures.

ForeclosureDataOnline reports that Data Supports Specter of Unemployment Keeping Foreclosures High in Some States

NEW YORK, N.Y. /eNewsChannels/ -- According to The Associated Press' monthly analysis, higher unemployment and foreclosure rates, especially in South Atlantic and Mountain states, raised the nation's economic stress in November. This supports the findings from Foreclosure Data Online that confirms Colorado and Florida have more of the top 10 cities listed for the number of foreclosures.

October Foreclosure Prices Were Up, While Real Estate Prices Were Down, says ForeclosureDataOnline.com

NEW YORK, N.Y. -- Reports from the first days of November show that the housing market is still on shaky ground. According to the...