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Tag: MCT Trading, Inc.

Phil Rasori of MCT Trading again makes 'Top 40 Most Influential Mortgage Professionals Under 40' List for 2013

SAN DIEGO, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- MCT Trading, Inc., a leader in mortgage pipeline hedging and risk management services, announced today that that Phil Rasori, the company's COO and Head Trader, has earned a spot on National Mortgage Professional Magazine's 'Top 40 Most Influential Mortgage Professionals Under 40' list for the third time.

Kevin Miller joins MCT Trading, Inc. in Philadelphia as Trading Analyst

SAN DIEGO, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- MCT Trading, Inc., a recognized leader in mortgage pipeline hedging and risk management services, announced that Kevin Miller has joined the company in the capacity of trading analyst. Miller will work on MCT's capital markets trading team to provide clients with independent analysis, training, hedging strategies and loan sale execution services.

Anthony Ianni joins Mortgage Capital Trading, Inc. as VP Lender Services in San Diego

SAN DIEGO, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- Mortgage Capital Trading (MCT), a recognized leader in mortgage pipeline hedging and risk management services, announced that is has recruited Anthony Ianni as vice president of lender services.

MCT COO and Head Trader, Phil Rasori, will present on a panel session at the Independent Mortgage Bankers Conference in Dallas

SAN DIEGO, Calif., /eNewsChannels/ -- MCT Trading, Inc. (MCT), a recognized leader in mortgage pipeline hedging and risk management services, announced that its COO and Head Trader, Phil Rasori, will present on a panel session at the Independent Mortgage Bankers Conference on November 8 at the Fairmont Hotel in Dallas, Texas.

MCT Trading announces HALO-Link Pipeline Data Interface for LOS Platforms at the 99th MBA Annual Convention and Exposition

CHICAGO, Ill. /eNewsChannels/ -- MCT Trading, Inc. (MCT), a recognized leader in mortgage pipeline hedging and risk management services, announced at the 99th MBA Annual Convention and Exposition that they developed an integrated interface that connects loan origination systems (LOS) with its proprietary HALO (Hedging And Loan sales Optimization) platform(SM).

One of the 2012 Best Places to Work in San Diego: MCT Trading, Inc. honored by the San Diego Business Journal

SAN DIEGO, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- MCT Trading, Inc. (MCT), a recognized leader in mortgage pipeline hedging and risk management services, announced that is has been named as one of the 2012 Best Places to Work in San Diego, California by the San Diego Business Journal (SDBJ).

MCT Trading, Inc. has added Tawab Abawi to its Capital Markets Trading Team

SAN DIEGO, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- MCT Trading, Inc., a recognized leader in mortgage pipeline hedging and risk management services, announced that it added Tawab Abawi to its capital markets trading team.

MBA National Secondary Marketing Conference: MCT Trading Inc Launches LockCentral Service for Lenders

SAN DIEGO, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- MCT Trading, Inc. (MCT), a recognized leader in mortgage pipeline hedging and risk management services, announced it established an outsourced service that implements and manages a centralized lock desk for mortgage bankers that offers them a viable alternative to operating an in-house lock desk.

MCT Trading, Inc.'s Phil Rasori again named to Top 40 Most Influential Mortgage Professionals Under 40

SAN DIEGO, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- MCT Trading, Inc. (MCT), a recognized leader in mortgage pipeline hedging and risk management services, announced that its COO, Phil Rasori, has again been named to National Mortgage Professional magazine's Top 40 Most Influential Mortgage Professionals Under 40 list for 2011.

MCT Trading COO, Philip Rasori, will speak on a panel session on the subject of risk management advisory

SAN DIEGO, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- MCT Trading, Inc. (MCT), a leading hedging and risk management firm, announced that its COO, Philip Rasori, will speak on a panel session on the subject of risk management advisory in the secondary market at the Texas MBA's Southern Secondary Market Conference. The panel is being held at the Marriott Woodlands Waterway Hotel and Convention Center in Woodlands, Texas on Wednesday, January 18 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.