In all the heated and at times violent confrontations that have taken place over the issue of a seemingly out-of-control illegal immigration from Mexico into the United States, charges of racism have been raised against those who voice strong opposition toward this socially devastating invasion.

The end result has been an added war of words that is effectively being waged by anarchists who show no mercy or respect for the integrity of American immigration laws. Both foreign and domestic enemies are seeking politically to force our American nation into the same type of corruption that is rampant and notorious in Mexico, where, hypocritically, laws are passed, while corrupt Mexican law enforcement either fails to enforce those laws or it engages in selective enforcement.

John C. Garrison, authorWorse yet, even some of our politicians in Congress—particularly Democrats such as Senator Harry Reid—have resorted to the same tactics of the anarchists by raising the “race” word against their own colleagues who oppose the lawless invasions from Mexico. These are some of the domestic enemies of America who do not deserve the positions of power they hold and who need, in one way or another, to be booted out and stripped of their power quickly. Other domestic enemies of America seeking to justify illegal Mexican immigration are certain American corporate entities.

So what are those on the receiving end of the charges of racism to do to defend effectively their motives? This article represents a serious attempt to offer an answer by showing why new language is needed for the task, while coming up at the same time with the language itself. The new language referred to is one which will effectively distinguish from racism the patriotic motives that drive Americans standing for the rule of law against those illegal invasions, which are at, but not limited to, our southern border. Building on precedent, I propose the words ethnophilic or ethnophile as an accurate description of the real motive behind American patriots.

Ethnophile is simply another grammatical form of ethnophilic, which essentially signifies the same thing. An illustrative example of this are the words bibliophile and bibliophilic. However, while you will find bibliophile and bibliophilic in dictionaries, you will not, as of this writing, find the words ethnophile or ethnophilic. Nonetheless, precedent which already exists in our English vocabulary can serve well to justifiably construct the meaning of ethnophile and ethnophilic with concise precision. Such conciseness in the single words ethnophile or ethnophilic is needed to combat effectively the single-word charge of racism. Since both ethnophile or ethnophilic are simply different grammatical forms essentially meaning the same thing, I will for the sake of economy focus primarily on the construction of the word ethnophile.

An ethnophile is defined as a person who loves, cherishes, respects, admires or is attracted to their own ethnic group, nation, or culture. It is a word whose origin comes from the Greek “ethno,” meaning “nation” and “philos,” meaning “to love.” While the Greek “ethno” literally means “nation,” it has been used in the English language (thus providing us with established precedent) as a root that includes such things as an ethnic group, culture, people or peoples. This appears, for example, in the English word “ethnocentrism,” which in Webster’s New World Dictionary is defined as “the emotional attitude that one’s own ethnic group, nation, or culture is superior.”

The last two syllables forming “centrism” in ethnocentrism makes ethnocentrism very negative in its connotations. This is the part in ethnocentrism that suggests a haughty attitude of superiority. In sharp distinction to this, and instead of “centrism,” we find the word “phile” (i.e., to love) in ethnophile. This frees ethnophile from any connotation of haughtiness or superiority complex. Ethnophile is simply a word that signifies love or attraction for that which is loved, cherished or admired. In addition, this disposition of love, cherishing and admiration necessarily implies a disposition of protectiveness over that which is loved, cherished or admired, since one is naturally protective of that which one loves, cherishes or admires.

As for established precedent for the rendition made here of the Greek “phile,” we have such words as bibliophile, someone who loves, cherishes or admires books, and anglophile, someone who loves, cherishes or admires England. One advantage to ethnophile is that its meaning is inclusive of any given nation, people or culture. A given culture, for example, can be American culture for an “American ethnophile” or Mexican culture for a “Mexican ethnophile.”

The disposition or attitude behind ethnophile (or ethnophilic) is therefore neither hate nor haughty disdain for others. As such, it is not racism. It is instead a love and protectiveness for something of one’s own that is cherished and admired, irrespective of who it is or what it is that threatens it.

Given that American ethnophiles carry an admirable disposition that motivates and compels them to cherish, protect and defend America, that which they love and admire—which necessarily would have to include American laws—we can now conclude that ardent, patriotic Americans who stand against the lawlessness of illegal immigration across any American border or point of entry are not racist in their motives but ethnophilic (which involves protectiveness) toward the America they love, cherish and admire, bearing in mind the distinction.

Furthermore, an American who is ethnophilic or an ethnophile can be of any ethnic group lawfully residing in America, be it Mexican or other. This necessary condition of “lawful residency” for an American ethnophile means that no person within the territorial boundaries of America can be an American ethnophile if they have broken any of America’s immigration laws. This is true since, by definition of the term, to be an American ethnophile one must love, cherish and respect America, and anyone who knowingly or willfully violates the immigration laws of America, or seeks to abet, justify or aid in the breaking of such laws, cannot and do not in fact love, cherish or respect America. Whatever else may be their first or foremost love, it is not America.

[tags]John Garrison, Garrisons World, ethnophile, Mexican illegal immigration, eNewsChannels, articles on immigration, ethnophilic[/tags]