Tag: National Association of Record Industry Professionals

NARIP leads delegation on mission of commerce, culture and music and film industry copyright advocacy from Hollywood to Berlin

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: The National Association of Record Industry Professionals (NARIP) led a delegation on a mission of commerce, culture and copyright advocacy from Hollywood to Berlin during September 2013 to stimulate entertainment economic activities in both countries. The mission resulted in music placements in American productions, including a German artist, and renewed interest in international creative collaborations.

Top American Ad Agency Execs in Search of New Music should check the U.K. says NARIP

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- National Association of Record Industry Professionals (NARIP.com) president Tess Taylor leads a delegation of creative music executives from New York to London this week for meetings to create new opportunities for music whose uses contribute to the national economies of the United States, the United Kingdom and world culture.

National Association of Record Industry Professionals event: 'Hollywood to London Music Delegation'

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- National Association of Record Industry Professionals (www.NARIP.com) president Tess Taylor leads a music delegation from Hollywood to London this week for meetings to protect intellectual property, preserve creativity, and create new opportunities for music whose uses contribute to the national economies of the United States, the United Kingdom and world culture.