Tags Opinion and Commentary

Tag: Opinion and Commentary

Dr. Don Harte asks after another school shooting: Gun Control, or Doctor Control?

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Dr. Don Harte, noted chiropractic activist and former Libertarian State Senate candidate, says of the school shooting in Broward County, Florida, "It's time to take radical action... Doctor Control." Dr. Harte asks, "In public policy as in health care, doesn't it make sense to get to the cause of a problem, and eliminate that cause?"

Dr. Don Harte asks Who’s Destroying ‘Health Care’ in America?

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Dr. Don Harte, noted Northern California chiropractor and former Libertarian state senate candidate, declares: "Both sides, both parties, are saying that the other is destroying health care." Dr. Harte observes: "There's a long history of collusion between the Medical Establishment, Big Pharma and Big Government."

Florida Attorney Bernard Walsh Warns Corporate Push for Arbitration Threatens Constitutional Right to A Jury of Our Peers

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Personal injury lawyer Bernard Walsh warns efforts by large corporations to resolve disputes in arbitration rather than trial by jury threaten constitutional rights. Corporations seeking to reduce their financial risk and increase long-term profits have been turning to arbitration clauses more and more.

Governmental Reaction to National Opioid Crisis Draws Comment from Florida Injury Lawyer Bernard Walsh

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Aggressive legal action by states to curb national opioid addiction crisis draws comments from southwest Florida civil trial lawyer Bernard Walsh. In response to growing political pressure to stop the opioid addiction crisis, many State and municipal governments are filing lawsuits against a range of drug manufacturers.
Breaking Away: Book One of the Rabylon Series

‘Professional Plaintiff’ and Children’s Book Author Cory Groshek says Poor People Choose to Be Poor

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Poor people are poor because they choose to be poor, says 'professional plaintiff' turned children's book author Cory Groshek, who is also the founder of personal growth and development brand Manifestation Machine. He's the author of "Breaking Away: Book One of the Rabylon Series" (ISBN: 978-1946029003).

Zip-Line Injuries Scare Addressed in Article By Christina Walsh, JD and Bernard F. Walsh, Esq.

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- An article co-written by Attorney Bernard F. Walsh Esq., and Christina Walsh JD, has been published in the summer edition of The Trial Lawyer. Entitled, 'Zip-Line & Pre-Injury Releases', the article brings attention to the troubling rise of serious and fatal accidents arising from zip-lining at private businesses.

Florida Attorney Bernard Walsh Recommends Increased U.S. Safety Label Warnings for Energy Drinks After 2017 Teen Death

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- The report that a teenager died as a result of drinking an energy drink in combination with other caffeinated drinks has prompted calls for improved safety regulations on energy supplements by Attorney Bernard F. Walsh.
Smart Cities Prevail

Open Letter from California City Leaders Calls for Prevailing Wages in State Housing Reforms

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- In an open letter that ran as a full page ad in today's Sacramento Bee, elected leaders from six of California's eight largest cities called on California Governor Jerry Brown and the State Legislature to include prevailing wage standards in state housing reforms. The ad was paid for by Smart Cities Prevail (SCP).
TravelInsurance COM

TravelInsurance.com Advice on The UK Terror Attack and Travel Insurance Coverage

eNewsChannels NEWS: (NEW YORK, N.Y.) -- When terrorism struck London yesterday, many travelers were left with unanswered questions about how their travel plans and in-process trips would be affected. If you hold an existing travel insurance plan with a cancellation provision for terrorist events, TravelInsurance.com suggests that you contact your issuer for complete coverage details.

Sarasota Attorney M David Shapiro Comments on Landmark $70 Million ADHD Drug Risperdal Lawsuit

SARASOTA, Fla. -- The Sarasota Florida attorney commented after a Philadelphia jury returned a verdict of $70 million against Johnson and Johnson for failing to warn of the risks associated for taking Risperdal. The case involved a sixteen-year-old boy who developed breast from the medication prescribed for attention deficit disorder (ADHD).