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Tag: optometrists in Colorado

Eating Your Way to Better Eye Health: Colorado Doctors of Optometry Encourage Eating Nutrient Dense Foods This Holiday Season

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Doctors of optometry across Colorado, 2020 Eyes Colorado, and the Colorado Optometric Association (COA) are addressing nutrition and eye health in the December awareness theme Eating Your Way to Better Eye Health.

The Colorado Optometric Association (COA) Warns Patients to Be Cautious of ‘At-Home Eye Exam’ or ‘Vision Test’ Product Claims

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Some companies are taking advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic and asserting that their devices make it easy to conduct an eye exam at home. The Colorado Optometric Association, together with the American Optometric Association (AOA), warns that it is more important than ever to be aware of products that give the mistaken impression that their devices can substitute for a comprehensive eye examination or that they can shortcut getting a contact lens or eyeglasses prescription.