Tags Publishers Newswire

Tag: Publishers Newswire

Publishers Newswire announces its Semi-annual BOOKS TO BOOKMARK List for June 2024: 8 New Books You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Publishers Newswire (PNW), an online news publisher covering books, music and software launched in 2004, has announced its latest semi-annual "books to bookmark" list for June 2024, noting 8 new and interesting books from small publishers and self-published authors in North America published over the past year. These books are often overlooked due to not coming from major traditional large book publishing houses or celebrity authors.
Semi-annual 'Books to Bookmark' List for March 2024

Semi-annual ‘Books to Bookmark’ List for March 2024 Released: Eight New Books You’ve Never Heard Of

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Publishers Newswire (PNW), an online news publisher covering books, music and software launched in 2004, has announced its latest semi-annual "books to bookmark" list of eight new and interesting books from small publishers and self-published authors in North America published over the past year. These books are often overlooked due to not coming from major traditional N.Y. book publishing houses.

Semi-annual ‘Books to Bookmark’ List for Dec. 2023 offers up 8 Books You’ve Likely Never Seen Before

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Publishers Newswire (PNW), a news publisher covering books, music and software launched in 2004, has announced its latest semiannual "books to bookmark" list of 8 new and interesting books from small publishers and self-published authors in North America published over the past year. These books are often overlooked due to not coming from major traditional book publishing houses.

Publishers Newswire announces its Books to Bookmark List for Aug. 2023 with Six Great Children’s Books ‘Worth a Look’

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Publishers Newswire (PNW), a news publisher covering books, music and software launched in 2004, has announced its semiannual "books to bookmark" list of six new and interesting children's books from small publishers and self-published authors in North America published over the past year. These children's books are often overlooked due to not coming from major traditional book publishing houses.

Books to Bookmark List for Dec. 2022: Publishers Newswire Announces Annual List of 10 Great Reads You’ve Likely Never Heard Of

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Publishers Newswire (PNW), a news publisher covering books, music and software launched in 2004, has announced its annual "books to bookmark" list of 10 new and interesting reads from small publishers and self-published authors in North America published in 2022. These books are often overlooked due to not coming from major traditional book publishing houses.

11 Great Reads You’ve Never Seen: Books to Bookmark List for Dec. 2021

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Publishers Newswire, a news publisher covering books, music and software launched in 2004, has announced its annual "books to bookmark" list of 11 new and interesting reads from small publishers and self-published authors across the U.S. These books are often overlooked due to not coming from major traditional book publishing houses.

Books to Bookmark from 2014: Publishers Newswire’s List of 19 Interesting Book Titles You Might Have Missed

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: Publishers Newswire (PNW), an online resource established in 2004, today announced its latest semi-annual 'Books to Bookmark' list of new titles 'worth a look' that most have probably not heard of. This list contains 19 new books published in 2014 which may have been missed due to not originating from major New York book publishers, or 'big name' authors.

Publishers Newswire announces annual round-up of 21 fascinating books from 2013 you likely never heard of

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: Publishers Newswire (PNW), an online resource established in 2004 for small publishers, as well as first-time book authors, today announced its firs semi-annual "Books to Bookmark" round-up for 2014. This list of 21 new books is from the second half of 2013 which may have been missed due to not originating from major New York book publishers, or so called 'big name' authors.

10 Interesting New Book Titles from 2013 selected as 'worth a look' by Publishers Newswire

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- Today, Publishers Newswire (PNW), an online resource established in 2004 for small publishers, as well as lesser known and first-time book authors, has announced its latest semi-annual 'Books to Bookmark' list. This is a round-up of 10 new and recent books from Q4/2012 and Q1/2013 which may have been missed due to not originating from major New York book publishing houses, or 'big name' writers.

Books to Bookmark: Publishers Newswire releases 2012 List of 13 Interesting New Book Titles

LOS ANGELES, Calif. /eNewsChannels/ -- For the first half of 2012, Publishers Newswire (PNW), an online resource established in 2004 for small publishers, as well as lesser known and first-time book authors, has today announced its latest semi-annual 'Books to Bookmark' list. This is a round-up of 13 new and recent books which may have been missed due to not originating from major New York book publishing houses, or 'big name' authors.