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Tag: San Antonio

ACG Central Texas presents Scholarship for Finance Studies to Dr. Keith Fairchild, PhD

NEWS: The Central Texas Chapter of the Association for Corporate Growth(R) (ACG), the global organization focused on driving middle-market growth, presented its recently established Scholarship for Finance Studies to Dr. Keith Fairchild, PhD, associate professor and former department chair of the Department of Finance at The University of Texas San Antonio.

ACG Central Texas signs MOU with The Mexican Entrepreneurs Association

NEWS: The Central Texas Chapter of the Association for Corporate Growth(R) (ACG), the global organization focused on driving middle-market growth, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Mexican Entrepreneurs Association, AEM, in an effort to actively expose the two organizations to each other's membership, foster integration, and promote joint programs. Eduardo Berdegue, president of ACG Central Texas, and Roberto Espinosa, President of AEM San Antonio were the signatories.

Texas Congressman Lamar Smith Receives ACG Growth Award from Association for Corporate Growth

CHICAGO, Ill. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: The Association for Corporate Growth(R) (ACG), the global organization focused on driving middle-market growth, today awarded the ACG Growth Awards to Congressman Lamar Smith (R-Texas). Inaugurated in 2014, the Growth Award is ACG's highest recognition for service to middle-market businesses.

Mr. Big Stuff’s will be San Antonio’s First-Ever Stuffed Burger Restaurant

SAN ANTONIO, Texas /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS: Mr. Big Stuff's, a new restaurant specializing in stuffed burgers, announced today that San Antonio will be home to the company's inaugural location. With a restaurant launch date scheduled for the first quarter in 2015, Mr. Big Stuff's is on the hunt for a restaurant location in the heart of San Antonio, Texas.

Facility Rx (FRx) CEO and President Vivian Holder today announced the acquisition of The Office Planning Group

SAN ANTONIO, Texas /eNewsChannels/ -- Facility Rx (FRx) CEO and President Vivian Holder has announced the acquisition of The Office Planning Group (OPG). OPG is a 25 year old company headquartered in San Antonio, Texas with client relationships in private and government sectors. It is also an aligned TAB dealer providing specialty file and storage systems, document imaging, records management, commercial office furniture, and related facility services.

New ALFI Nonprofit Will Focus on America's Ground Forces

SAN ANTONIO, Texas /eNewsChannels/ -- Colonel Jack H. Pryor (U.S. Army, Retired) today announced the formation and launch of a new nonprofit organization, the American Land Forces Institute (ALFI). Based in San Antonio, Texas, ALFI will focus on policy, advocacy, education and services in support of land forces and small combat units across all branches of the U.S. military, the National Guard, and domestic law enforcement.

Texas MBA 94th Annual Conference: DMD Exhibits DataTrac End-to-End Mortgage Lending Automation

SAN ANTONIO, Texas -- Del Mar DataTrac, Inc. (DMD), the leading provider of affordable end-to-end mortgage lending automation solutions, and an industry pioneer in business intelligence, document imaging and management, and loan process workflow tools, is an exhibitor at the May 16-18 Texas MBA's 94th Annual Conference in San Antonio (Booth 26). DMD experts will demonstrate and discuss specific loan production improvements for mortgage bankers seeking growth in a slow market.

Texas Interior Design Firm, Baxter Design Group, Celebrates 25 Years

SAN ANTONIO, Texas -- Baxter Design Group (BDG) is celebrating 25 years as the premier San Antonio based interior design firm serving private and...

Environmental Resource Center brings Hazmat Training to San Antonio

SAN ANTONIO, Texas -- When workers handle hazardous waste or ship hazardous materials, training is not just a good idea, it's the law. According...

Trees With Meaning Gains USDA Approval for First U.S. Release of Olive Trees from Israel

SAN ANTONIO, Texas -- With a hard-earned U.S. Department of Agriculture signoff now in hand, Trees With Meaning Inc. (TreesWithMeaning.com) becomes one of the...