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Trinity Financial Sports and Entertainment to support New Jersey Harness Racing

WALL, N.J. /eNewsChannels/ -- NEWS Apr 5, 2013: Peter Grandich, managing member of Trinity Financial Sports and Entertainment Management Co., LLC, announced today that the company has committed major marketing support to the New Jersey Harness Racing Industry. As part of the support, members of the Trinity Financial Corporate Advisory Board will soon begin making appearances at the Meadowlands Race Track.

Trinity Financial Sports to Host Two NY Rangers fans who were attacked and beaten outside a Philadelphia bar at Upcoming Event

WALL, N.J. /eNewsChannels/ -- Two NY Rangers fans who were attacked and beaten outside a Philadelphia eatery on January 2, 2012, after the Rangers vs. Flyers match up are about to receive the star treatment thanks to a business owner with ties to former team members. Peter Grandich, founder of Trinity Financial Sports and Entertainment Management Co., LLC, will host the two men, Neal Auricchio Jr. and Michael Janocko at the February 12th Rangers game.

Peter Grandich, market commentator and publisher of the internationally-followed Grandich Letter, releases autobiography

WALL, N.J. /eNewsChannels/ -- Peter Grandich, market commentator and publisher of the internationally-followed Grandich Letter (www.Grandich.com), has released his autobiography entitled 'Confessions of a Wall Street Whiz Kid' (ISBN: 978-0615550633). Called 'thought-provoking,' 'entertaining' and 'a remarkable memoir' by experts in the world of finance, the book is now available through Amazon.com.

Peter Grandich Comes Out in Support of David Tyree

WALL, N.J. /eNewsChannels/ -- Peter Grandich, founder of Trinity Financial Sports and Entertainment Co, is speaking out in support of former NY Giant David Tyree who has been under intense media scrutiny for some gutsy statements he made about gay marriage. Posted in an online video on June 15, Tyree says he recorded the video because he opposes the notion of gay marriage and says he's simply voicing his opinion.

David M. Walker and Peter Grandich to collaborate on promoting grassroots American accountability organizations

WALL, N.J. /eNewsChannels/ -- David Walker, former Comptroller General of the United States, will team up with market commentator Peter Grandich and his Trinity Financial Sports & Entertainment Management Co. to promote The Comeback America Initiative and No Labels -organizations aimed at helping bring America back to the common sense principles upon which our country was founded.

Trinity Financial adds Mortgage Expert Barry Habib to Advisory Board

WALL, N.J. /eNewsChannels/ -- Peter Grandich, founder of Trinity Financial Sports & Entertainment Management Company, Atlantic Avenue, announced today that mortgage industry expert and Broadway Producer Barry Habib, as well as former Deputy Attorney General Robert F. Munoz, have joined the company's corporate advisory board.

Peter Grandich issues report on our need for hoarding 'stuff' – offers ways to save

WALL, N.J. /eNewsChannels/ -- Market and economic commentator Peter Grandich has long stated that one of the biggest maladies with the American economy is our obsession with 'stuff.' The boom in the self-storage industry, he says, is symbolic of our addiction to excess.

Market has Peaked says Peter Grandich, of The Grandich Letter

WALL, N.J. /eNewsChannels/ -- Peter Grandich, dubbed the 'Wall Street Whiz Kid' on national television for calling the 1987 'Black Monday' market crash, has been making major top and bottom calls for 26 years. Now, Grandich has his bear suit back on, and is calling for a new top.

New Book 'Restoring the American Dream' features foreward by Peter Grandich

WALL, N.J. /eNewsChannels/ -- Peter Grandich, editor and publisher of the Grandich Letter, has authored the foreword in Michel Faulkner's new book 'Restoring the American Dream' (ISBN 13: 978-1-936314-30-0), which is being released nationally today. Grandich, an internationally-followed financial commentator and markets expert.

Peter Grandich to Pay Legal Bill to Defend Jets Superfan Fireman Ed Against Possible Charges

WALL, N.J. -- 'Wall Street Whiz Kid' Peter Grandich, who works with current and former NY Jets and NY Giants, has come to the aid of Jets Superfan 'Fireman Ed,' who may be facing assault charges for allegedly shoving a Giants fan at the August 16 Giants-Jets preseason game at the new Meadowlands Stadium.