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Tag: Washington State Business

Apex Leadership Partners with Skyhawk Sports Academy to Expand Fundraising and Leadership Programs Nationwide

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Apex Leadership Company, a leading provider of fitness-focused youth fundraising programs, has announced a strategic two-year partnership with Skyhawk Sports Academy, a Stack Sports company, to expand its unique fundraising model to even more schools and students across the country. This collaboration unites two strong brands with a shared mission to enhance children's lives through fitness, leadership, and personal development.

Asset Defense Team and Vast Solutions Group Announce New 2024 Joint Venture for Asset Protection and Tax Strategy

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Asset Defense Team and Vast Solutions Group (VastSolutionsGroup.com) are pleased to announce their joint venture, VastAssetDefense.com. This partnership brings together two leading companies in the asset protection and tax strategy industry, combining their expertise and resources to provide top-quality services to clients around the globe. The alliance is introducing an advanced AI platform called "Einstein" and is currently in Beta 4.0 and is also introducing a community called Vast Vault.

Top NPA Postdoctoral Awards for 2024 won by Hokanson, Peterson and Williams Clayton

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- During its annual conference, the National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) announced that Sarah Hokanson, Ph.D., Karen Peterson, Ph.D., and Sade Williams Clayton, Ph.D., are the 2024 winners of the organization's three most prestigious awards.

CEO Laird Nossuli of iEmergent to present at Seattle’s inaugural Black Homeownership Symposium on January 26, 2024

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- iEmergent, a forecasting and advisory services firm for the financial services, mortgage and real estate industries, today announced that its CEO Laird Nossuli will present at Seattle's inaugural Black Homeownership Symposium on January 26. Dr. Courtney Johnson Rose, president of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB), one of the oldest minority trade associations in the nation and its foremost network of Black real estate professionals, will unveil the findings of the first-ever Washington state edition of the State of Housing in Black America (SHIBA) report.

Voc.ai chatbot is a new customer service AI agent that boosts business productivity

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- The e-commerce market is one that's rapidly changing and many businesses are struggling to keep up with tracking insight into the market-consumer relationship. Stumbling blocks range from high research costs and closed consumer data to fragmented analysis models. This is where the newly-launched Voc.ai chatbot comes in to play.

New Book ‘Extra Focus’ by Jesse J. Anderson Provides Empowering Quick Start Guide to Living with Adult ADHD

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- ADHD advocate and author Jesse J. Anderson is proud to release "Extra Focus: The Quick Start Guide to Adult ADHD" (ISBN: 979-8988644200 (paperback); 979-8988644217 (ebook)). The book is set to redefine how adults with ADHD (Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder) navigate their unique challenges, by offering compassionate understanding and practical strategies for effective living.

Center for Sustainable Infrastructure (CSI) says Agricultural Innovations Deliver Economic and Environmental Wins

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- A new study commissioned by the Washington legislature, "Increasing the Economic Value and Sustainability of Washington's Agriculture Sector Through Industrial Symbiosis," identifies new opportunities for cost savings and additional revenue streams for farmers and food processors across the state of Washington, the Center for Sustainable Infrastructure (CSI) announced today.

The National Pygmy Goat Association (NPGA) is proud to announce the winners of the 2023 Champion Challenge

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- The National Pygmy Goat Association (NPGA) is proud to announce the winners of the 2023 Champion Challenge held in Red Bluff, California, June 9, 2023. The National Champion Buck is Fair View OhMickeyYourSoFine owned by Laurie Zeise and Kaylee Hettinger. First runner up is Ridgeline Farms Premier Pursuit owned by Niccole Boies and second runner up is Goose Meadow Kayden owned by Niccole Boies and Jerrod Alcaida.

Kick It 3v3 Soccer and Hoop It Up 3×3 Basketball Events Expand the Skyhawks Sports offerings for Youth Sports

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Skyhawks Sports, powered by Stack Sports and renowned as the premier provider of youth sports programs for children aged 4 - 14 years in the United States, is thrilled to announce a partnership with Kevin Garnett's Big Ticket Sports for operation and management of Kick It 3v3 Soccer and Hoop It Up 3x3 Basketball events across the nation, further enhancing Skyhawks' extensive offerings.

National Pygmy Goat Day 2023 Announced by NPGA

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- The National Pygmy Goat Association (NPGA) has declared April 23 as National Pygmy Goat Day. Members and affiliated clubs are planning events throughout the country to celebrate the day and showcase their pygmy goats.