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Tag: wastewater utility systems

Idaho Rural Water Association (IRWA) Honors Two City of Buhl Water System Operation Specialist Apprentice Graduates

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Graduates of Idaho Rural Water Association's Registered Apprenticeship program will be recognized at the Buhl City Council meeting in Buhl, Idaho on February 14, 2022, at 7 p.m. The two city of Buhl residents, Colton Alvey and Garrett Williams are the 2nd and 3rd apprentices in the state to graduate from IRWA's Apprenticeship Program.

National Rural Water Association (NRWA) presents Idaho Rural Water Association with 2020 State Association of the Year Award

eNewsChannels NEWS: -- Idaho Rural Water Association (IRWA) earns the 2020 State Association of the Year Award in the Awards of Excellence competition awarded by National Rural Water Association (NRWA). This is the second time IRWA has earned this award since its incorporation in Idaho in 1987.