ATLANTA, Ga. — The Retirement Savings Planner 2009 from Torrid Technologies ( is now available in versions both for professional advisors and for individuals or couples who want to be personally involved with managing their personal retirement planning scenarios. The results of a January survey conducted by Workplace Options (, show that nearly 60 percent of those polled are concerned about the adequacy of their pensions and 401(k) accounts to meet their retirement plans.

According to the Employee Benefits Research Institute’s ( Issues Brief on the 2008 Retirement Confidence Survey (RCS), “Instead of doing a retirement needs calculation, 43 percent of workers guess at how much they will need to accumulate. Nineteen percent each report asking a financial advisor and doing their own estimate. Others read or hear how much is needed (9 percent), use an online calculator (7 percent), fill out a worksheet or form (4 percent), or base an estimate on their current expenses or their desired retirement lifestyle (2 percent).”

“High profile news of fraud masquerading as investment advisory services reminds us that ‘trust but verify’ is the hallmark of a healthy partnership between individuals and their financial advisors,” said Torrid Technologies founder Tim Turner. “Today, the ‘hands-off’ approach to retirement planning is almost as risky as failing to plan.”

Reputable advisors encourage client education and participation, often recommending retirement planning software that graphically displays current situation, and longer-term scenarios. Free financial calculators are one-dimensional and not up to the task of calculating multiple income streams and lifestyle choices in an era when traditional retirement scenarios have become irrelevant, and comprehensive, affordable retirement planning tools like the 2009 Retirement Savings Planner are as easy as a download and offer free trial usage, he added.

An independent review of Torrid Technologies Retirement Savings Planner 2009 in the February issue of Trusts and Estates magazine ( stated:

“Torrid Technologies Retirement Savings Planner 2009 computes and projects probable retirement income and expenses for a defined period of years. It is essentially cash flow based, but it also includes a goal solver for retirement savings projections. This program is based on an informative graphical interface with underlying spreadsheets. It integrates detailed data on investments and expenses and reflects straightforward inflation projections.

“Specifically, this program assembles data and computes the effect on retirement of long-term care insurance, wealth management services, 401k plans, life insurance, annuities, split annuities, equity indexed annuities, variable annuities, rollovers, reverse mortgages, indexed universal life insurance, and other products and services related to a person’s retirement finances.

“…Retirement Savings Planner 2009 includes a well-conceived help system that describes the program settings, screen inputs and program operation in detail. Technical support for this product is provided by email and telephone…. This program is useful for a quick, visual representation of a client’s financial picture as it relates to retirement planning.”

Forbes’ 2009 Retirement Guide ( calls retirement planning software by Torrid Technologies “Simple, easy-to-use retirement planning software with colorful graphics.”

An Atlanta-based developer of retirement planning software, Torrid Technologies, targets the retirement planning needs of individuals, including employees and plan participants; and professionals, including financial advisors, insurance agents, brokers, certified financial planners, CPAs, employee benefits consultants, TPAs, and plan sponsors, 401(k) enrollment meetings, 401k education, 403b education, IRA savings, financial advisers, registered representatives, and investment advisory representatives.

Professional advisors and agents often use Torrid’s retirement planning software to educate clients about their retirement picture when considering LTCi Long Term Care insurance, wealth management services, 401k plans, life insurance, annuities, split annuities, EIA equity indexed annuities, variable annuities, rollovers, reverse mortgages, indexed universal life, and any other product or service related to an individual’s retirement.

Torrid Technologies’ Retirement Savings Planner is a PC-based software program that runs on all versions of Windows(R) including Windows 98(R), Windows ME(R), Windows XP(R) (Home and Professional), Windows 2000(R), Windows NT(R) and Windows Vista(R). With less than 15 minutes data entry, the Retirement Savings Planner generates meaningful and accurate retirement income projections. It offers unlimited investments, cash infusions and income streams, and expenses, highlighting projected shortfalls in red.

About Torrid Technologies

Torrid Technologies was founded in 1993 and provides financial planning software to consumers and financial companies including Pacific Life, JANUS, The Hartford, Sentry Insurance, Lincoln Financial, and AXA. Information: .

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