Fengtao Software Inc.

NEWS: (BEIJING, China) On May 12, 2016, Fengtao Software, the industry leader specializing in DVD, Blu-ray and video backup solutions, rolls out another round of its Meta Info Uploading campaign, encouraging its users worldwide, especially those 30-day trial version users, to upload and share the Meta information of their Blu-ray discs with the entire DVDFab community.

In return, each participant making 20 or more uploads during this round of the campaign can receive 35-percent coupon, which can be used while purchasing any product from the company. The campaign starts today, and lasts until May 30, 2016. Move on for the detailed story.

Get 35-percent Coupon by Uploading Meta Info for 20 Blu-ray Discs

It’s been almost four months since the 1st round of DVDFab Meta Info Uploading Campaign, now during the 2nd round from May 12 to May 30, anyone who uploads Meta Info for 20 (or more) Blu-ray discs will be given a 30-percent coupon applicable while purchasing any product from DVDFab. The 35-percent coupon code will be valid till June 10th, which means the recipients have enough time to decide which product to buy. Compared to the 1st round when only the paid users of Blu-ray Copy and Blu-ray Ripper can take part in, this time, even the 30-day trial users can join in, all they need to do is get themselves registered at DVDFab Member Center and then use the login credentials there to unlock the Meta Info feature so that their uploads can get recorded.

This really could be good news! Upload Meta Info for 20 discs and then get a chance to turn the trial version to registered version by saving 35-percent off. Why not!

Save 30-percent to Pick Up Some Hot-selling Products

If a potential customer currently doesn’t have enough Blu-ray discs but still wants to buy the Blu-ray related products, no problem, he or she still can save 30-percent on that. To encourage users to upload Meta Info for as many Blu-ray discs as they have, DVDFab is offering 30-percent off to new customers who opt for buying some hot-selling blockbusters like its DVD copy software, Blu-ray copy software, DVD Copy+DVD Ripper bundle, and Blu-ray Copy+Blu-ray Ripper bundle. Bear in mind, this 30-percent discount works only on the lifetime versions of the above-mentioned products, regardless of Windows or Mac edition.

Why Upload the Meta Info for Blu-ray Discs

Meta Info, or Metadata of a Blu-ray disc refers to all the basic information about that disc and the contents on it: title, synopsis, release date, runtime, audio/video formats, genre, director, actors and so on. Meta Info is a brand new feature introduced in DVDFab Blu-ray Copy and Blu-ray ripper software. By inviting users to upload the Meta Info for Blu-ray discs, DVDFab have two primary goals in mind: to improve the analysis accuracy of Blu-ray products and to make users’ home media streaming servers smarter than ever.

For the terms and conditions of DVDFab Meta Info Uploading Campaign, feel free to visit: http://www.dvdfab.cn/get-meta-coupon.htm .

About Fengtao Software

Fengtao Software Inc., a professional multimedia software provider, has been dedicated to working on DVD cloner, DVD copy, Blu-ray copy, DVD ripper, DVD/Blu-ray conversion, video converter, DVD creator, Blu-ray creator, Blu-ray media player, etc. for more than 11 years with its well known DVDFab software. It has more than 50 million global users.

More information at: http://www.dvdfab.cn.


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