SYDNEY, Australia — VideoSift ( has been named the best “Video Aggregator” in the February edition of PC World magazine. VideoSift was contrasted against other video sharing websites like Digg, Vdiddy and Dabble. VideoSift is a web community that applies people power to “sift” out the best videos from the millions of submissions on sites like YouTube, Google Video, iFilm and other popular video sites.

“We’re thrilled to be getting this kind of recognition,” commented VideoSift founder Brian Houston. “VideoSift has been a labor of love for thousands of Sifters who have shaped it into a unique online community.”

Brian continues, “We’re also happy that VideoSift is not filled with clips of lip-synching teenagers and people filiming their pets. Posts made to VideoSift tend to have cultural significance and trigger some great discussions within the community.”

The VideoSift community has some rules that help shape the kind of content displayed on the site. To avoid self-promotion or “video spam,” members are not allowed to submit their own videos for consideration by the community. Instead, they must find videos originally uploaded to YouTube or other sites by different people. VideoSift also has a blanket ban on the submission of adult, racist and death-depicting videos.

VideoSift is an international project based on open source software. The developers and administrators of VideoSift are based in the US, Australia and Poland. Although only started in February, 2006, VideoSift receives over 1.6 million page views per month.

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